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单词 ton
释义 ton /tAn; tAn/ n 1 measure of weight (2 240 lb in GB, 2 000 lb in the US). 吨(英国为 2 240 磅,美国为 2 000 磅)。 metric ton. — tonne.。App 5. 参看附录五。 2 measure of the internal capacity (100 cu ft) or carrying capacity (40 cu ft) of a ship. 船的顺位(船的登记吨位,为 100 立方呎; 或指船的载运或容积吨位,为 40 立方呎)。 3 (coiloq) large weight, quantity or number: (俗)沉重; 大量; 众多: He has tons of money. 他有很多钱。 4 the ton, (sl) speed of 100 mph: (匝)一百哩时速: Can your motor-bike do the f。 ?你的机车每小时能跑 100 哩吗? 口祈 [VP2C] ton up, drive (a motor-cycle) for sport at a high speed. 高速骑(机车)出游; 飞车兜风。




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