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单词 tickle
释义 tickle /'tiki; tik|/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A] excite the nerves of the skin by touching lightly, esp at sensitive parts, often so as to cause laughter: 轻崩以剌激表皮神经; 胳肢; 搔瘦: -sb in the ribs. 胳肢某人的肋骨。 The rough blanket ~ s (me). 粗毯使我的皮肤发痒。 2 [VP6A] please (one's sense of humour, etc): 使愉悦; 满足(某人的幽默感等): The story ~d her fancy. 那故事讨她喜歌。 I was ~d to death/ ~d pink (colloq, very amused and delighted) at the news. 我听到那消息高兴死了。 They ~d his vanity by praising his work to the skies. 他们极力读扬他的工作以满足他的虚荣心。 3 [VP2A, 6A] have, feel, cause, an itching or tingling sensation: (使)感觉酥崖: Pepper ~s if it gets into the nose. 胡椒进入鼻孔会使人有酥痒的感觉。 My nose ~s. 我的鼻子发痍。 It ~d my nose. 那东西使我的鼻子发瘘。 tickder /'tikla(r); 'iiklv/ n (colloq) puzzle. (俗)难题;疎手之事。 ticklish /'tikhj; 'tiklif/ adj 1 (of a person) easily made to laugh or wriggle when ~d. (指人)怕痒的; 易痒的。 2 (of a problem, piece of work, etc) needing delicate care or attention: (指问题,工作等)需小心处理的; 疎手的: a ticklish question; 疎手的问题; in a ticklish situation. 处于需要小心应付的情凉命。




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