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单词 thrust
释义 thrust /OrASt; OrASt/ vt, vi (pt, pp ~) [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] push suddenly or violently; make a forward stroke with a sword, etc: 力推; 插; 携; 刺; 戳: He ~ his hands into his pockets/a dagger into his enemy's heart. 他把双手插入衣気内(把短创剌入敌人的心凤中)。 We had to ~ our way through the crowd. 我们不得不抢过人丛。 They ~ themselves forward/past/into the bus. 他们用力向前挤(挤过去,挤进公车)。 Some people have greatness ~ upon them, ie obtain renown without their own effort. 有些人的成名是时势造成的。 He has ~ himself into a well-paid position, obtained one by ruthless methods. 他不挥手段取得一个待遇优厚的工作。口 1 [C] act of ~ing; (in war) strong attempt to push forward into the enemy's positions; (in debate, etc) attack in words; hostile remark aimed at sb. 推; 挤; 剌; 戳; (作战时之)挺进; 突袭; (辩论等时之)口头攻击; 抨击; 让刺。 2 [U] stress or pressure on a neighbouring part of a structure (eg an arch): force directed forward in a jetengine as a reaction to the ejection rearward of gases.(拱等)向隣接部分的推压(力量); (喷射引擎的) 推进力; 推力。 ~er n (esp) person who ~s himself forward (to win an advantage, etc). (尤指)争先后(以取得某项利益等)者; 钻营者; 强求名利者。




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