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单词 throttle
释义 throttle /'Orotl; 'Srotl/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] seize (sb) by the throat and stop his breathing; choke; strangle: 扼 (某人) 的喉头; 勒死; 使窒息; 缢死: ~ the nightwatchman and then rob the bank. 勒死守夜者然后抢劫银行。 The tyrant ~d freedom in his country. 那个暴君在他的国家内压制自由。 2 [VP6A, 15B, 2C] ~ (back/down), control the flow of steam, petrol vapour, etc in an engine; lessen the speed of (an engine) by doing this. 控制引擎或机车的蒸气流、气化汽油等; 调整节气阀以减低 (引擎) 的速度; 节流。 n '~ (-valve) valve controlling the flow of steam, petrol vapour, etc in an engine: 节气阀; 节流阀: open out the ~; 打开节气阀; close the ~; 关闭节气阀; with the ~ full open. 全速地。




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