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单词 thrill
释义 thrill /Gnl; Oril/ n [C] (experience causing an) excited feeling passing like a wave along the nerves: 激动; 震额; 震顾感; 令人震吨的经验: a ~ of joy/pleasure/horror. 一阵高兴 (愉快,恐怖) 。 It gave her quite a ~ to shake hands with the Princess. 同公主握手使她至感兴奋。 This film will give you the ~ of a lifetime, excite you as you have never been excited before. 这部电影将会带给你前所未有的刺激。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] cause a ~ or ~s in: 使震顿; 使激动; 使生震颤感: The film ~ed the audience. 那部电影带给观众很大的刺激。 We were ~ed with horror/joy. 我们恐惧 (喜悦) 极了。 2 [VP2A, C] feel a ~ or ~s: 感到震顽或激动: We ~ed at the good news. 我们听到那项好消息感到很兴奋。 She ~ed with delight when the handsome footballer kissed her. 当那位英俊的足球员亲吻她的时候,她髙兴得颤抖。 There was a ~ing finish to the race. 最后一段赛程非常紧张刺激。 ~er n novel, play or film in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements. 惊险、动人、恐怖、刺激等的小说、戏剧或电影。




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