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单词 testify
释义 testify /'testifai; 'test9zfai/ vt, vi (pt, pp -fied) 1 [VP2A, 3A, 9] ~that...; ~ to sth : ~ against/ in favour of sb. bear witness, give evidence: 作证; 提供证据: He testified under oath that he had not been at the scene of the crime. 他发誓作证他当时并不在犯罪现场。 The teacher testified to the boy s ability. 敎师为那男孩的能力作证。 Two witnesses will ~ against her and three will ~ on her behalf. 两位证人将作不利于她的证明,另三位将作有利于她的证明。 2 [VP6A] serve as evidence of: 成色…的证据; 证明: Her tears testified her grief. 仙的眼泪证明了她的忧伤。




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