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单词 test
释义 test /test; test/ n [C] (often attrib) examination or trial (of sth) to find its quality, value, composition, etc; trial or examination (of sb, his powers, knowledge, skill, etc): (常作形容用法) 测验; 试验; 考验: methods that have stood the ~ of time; 禁得起时间考验的方法; an endurance ~, eg for a new aero-engine; 耐力试验 (如测验新的飞机引掣); a 'blood ~, eg at a hospital, for infection, etc. 验血。 a ~ in arithmetic; 兑术测验; an in'tel-ligence 智力测验。 put sth to the ~, submit it to conditions, etc, that will show its qualities, etc, 使某物接受萼验。a '~bore, hole bored into the ground or sea-bed to learn whether there is mineral ore, oil, etc: (探测籁藏、石油等, 在地面或海床所作的) 新 (探) 孔: ~ bores in the North Sea. 北海馔 (探) 孔。 a '~case, (in law) one that shows the principle involved (even though it may not be important in itself). (法律) 判例案件; 判决先例。 ' ~ drive n drive in a car one thinks of buying, to judge its qualities, worth, etc. 试车 (驾驶欲购之车,以判定其性质、价値等)。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-drive vt. a 'driving ~, an examination of one's ability to drive a car in the way required by law. 驾成考试。 ' ~ match n one of the matches in any of the cricket or Rugby tours arranged between certain countries. (U球或橄榄球的) 国际锦标赛。 ' ~ pilot n one who flies newly built aircraft to try their qualities, performance, etc. (新飞机的) 试亲员。 '■ tube n slender glass tube, closed at one end, used in chemical ~s and experiments. 试管。 '~-tube baby, baby whose early development took place in a laboratory (after artificial insemination) and is later implanted in the womb. 试管婴儿 (人工受精后,先在实验室中培育,再移入子宫者) 。 vt [VP6A, 15A] put to the ~; examine: 试验; 考验; 检验: have one's eyesight ~ed; 检验视力; ~ ore for gold; 化验矿石中黄金的成分; a well ~ed remedy. 经试验有效的医疗法。 The long climb ~ed (= was a ~ of) our powers of endurance. 那次长距离的爬山考验了我们的持久力。




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