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单词 terminal
释义 terminal /'t3:mml; 't?manl/ adj 1 of, taking place, each _term (1, 2, 3): 每期的; 每学期的; 按期举行的 : / ~ examinations/accounts, 学期考试 (按期结帐) 。 2 of, forming,, the point or place at the end: 末期的; 末端的; 终点的; 尽头的: ~ cancer, not curable; ending in death; 末期癌症 (无法救治者,必死无疑); the '~ ward, (in a hospital) for persons who cannot be cured and must soon die. (医院里的) 垂死病房; 弥留病房。 n 1 end of a railway line, bus line, etc; centre (in a town) used by passengers departing for, or arriving from, an airport: (鎌路、公路等的) 终点站; (城市中的) 航空集散站 (往来飞机场之旅客的集散中心): the .West tLondon 'Air T~. 伦敦西区的航空集散站。 2 point of connection in an electric circuit: (电路的) 接头: the ~s of a battery. 电池的接头。 ter min ally adv




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