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单词 tea
释义 tea /tu; 1i/ n 1 [U] (dried leaves of an) evergreen shrub of easterh Asia, Africa, etc; drink made by pouring boiling water on these leaves: 茶叶; 茶树; (泡成的)茶: a pound of tea; 一磅茶叶; Ceylon/ China, etc tea; 锡兰(中国等)茶; a cup of tea; 一杯茶; make (the) tea, prepare it. 泡茶; 沏茶。 not my cup of tea, (fig) not the sort of thing I like. (喻)不是我所喜欢的事物。 'tea-bag n small porous bag holding enough tea-leaves for use in a teacup or teapot. 茶袋(装有少量茶叶的有孔小袋,置茶杯或柔壶中用乏)。 'tea-break n (in an office, factory, etc) short period when work is stopped for tea drinking. 喝茶时间(办公室、工厂等处,让工作人员喝茶的短暂休息时间)。 'tea-caddy n (pl -dies) air-tight box in which to keep a supply of tea for daily use. 茶罐; 茶筒。 'tea-cake n small, fiat, sweetened cake, usu eaten hot with butter at tea. 茶饼(扁平的福饼,通常在饮茶时趁热加奶油食之)。 'tea-chest n large wooden box in which tea is packed for export/ 茶箱(装运茶叶出口的大木箱)。 'tea-cloth n a cloth to be spread on a teatable or tea-tray, 茶几布; 茶盘布。 b tea-towel. 擦拭茶具用的抹布。 'tea-cosy n cover for keeping the contents of a teapot warm. 茶壶保温罩; 茶壶废罩。 ,teacup n cup in which tea is served. 茶杯。 a storm in a teacup, a lot of fuss about sth trivial. 因小事而引起的风波; 小题大做 o 'tea-garden n a garden in which tea and other refreshments are served to the public. 露天茶馆, b tea plantation.. 茶圃; 茶园。 'tea house n (in Japan and China) restaurant where tea is served. (日本及中国等启的)茶馆。 'tea-kettle n one in which water is boiled for making tea. (烧水沏茶的)茶壶; 开水壶。 tea-leaf n (usu pl; -leaves) one of the leaves in a teapot after tea has been made, or left in a teacup: (通常用复数)(茶壶里或茶杯中泡开的)茶叶或茶叶渣 sb's fortune from the tea-leaves in her cup. 借察看她杯中的茶叶渣为其算命。 'tea-party n social gathering for afternoon tea. 茶会 (下午举行的社交集会) 。 'tea.pot n vessel in which tea is made. (沏素的) 豪壶。 tes room n restaurant in which tea and light refreshments may be obtained. 茶室 (贩卖茶及点心处) 。 'tea-service/-set n set of cups, saucers, plates, with a teapot, milk-jug, etc, 一套茶具。 les spoon n small spoon for stirring tea. (A 茶用的) 茶匙。 >tea-spoon.ful /-fol; -ful/ n as much as a teaspoon car hold. 一茶匙之量。 'tea-strainer n device for- keeping back tealeaves when pouring tea into a cup. 浦茶网; 滤茶器。 'tea-table n (usu small) table at which tea is served: (通常为小的) 茶几; 茶桌: (attrib) (形容用法) tea-table conversation. 茶话。 'tea-things n pl (colloq).tea-set as needed for a meal: (俗) 茶真: put the tea-things on the table. 把茶具该卷桌上。 'tea-time n [U] time at which tea is usu taken in the afternoon. 喝 (下午) 茶时间。 'tea-towel n cloth for drying washed crockery, cutlery, etc. 擦干陶器,餐具等的抹布。 'tea-tray n one on which a tea-set is used or carried, 茶族。 'tee-trolley n tea-wagon. (有脚轮的) 茶具横。 'tea-urn n urn in which water is boiled for making tea in quantity, eg in a caf6. (泡大量茶用的) 大型茶壶。 tea wagon n small table on wheels, used for serving tea. (俗) 脚轮的) 茶具台。 2 [C, U] occasion (in the late afternoon) at which tea is drunk: 下午茶; 午后茶点: e have tea at/Tea is at half-pa st four. 我们在四点半喝下午茶。 They were having/at tea when I called. 我往访时他们在喝下午茶。 The waitress has served twenty teas since four o'clock. 这位女侍四点钟起已供应了二十份下午茶。 high tea, meal taken between lunch and supper if a dinner is not taken in the evening (usu a more substantial meal than afternoon tea as taken by people who have dinner in the evening). 大下午茶 (正餐不在晚上的人们,于下午五六点钟所进食的简便小餐,较一般下午茶丰盛) 。




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