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单词 take
释义 take1 /teik; tek/ vt, vi (pt took /tuk; tuk/, pp taken /.'teikan; 'tekan/) (For uses with a large number of nn, c15 below. For special uses with adverbial particles and preps c16 below.) (与诸多名词的连用法,参看下列第 15 义。与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 16 义。) 1 [VP6A, 15A] get or lay hold of with the hand(s) or any other part of the body, eg the arms, teeth or with an instrument (Cf let go of or release, as opposite in meaning): 握; 攫; 执; 施 (参较反义字 let go of 或 release): ~ sb's hand; 握住某人的手; ~ sth on one's back; 背负某物; ~ a man by the throat; 扼住某人的咽喉; ~ sb in one's arms, put one's arms round him, embrace him; 拥抱某人; ~ sth up (= pick it up) with one's fingers/with a pair of tongs; 用手指 (钳子) 拾起或夹起某物; , ~ a person's arm, put, rest, one's hand on his arm, eg to support him or be supported by him. 挽住某人的臂 (例如扶着他,或被他扶着) 。 - hold of sth, grasp or seize it. 抓住或捉住某物。 2 [VP6A, 15A, 2A] capture; catch (sb or sth) by surprise or pursuit; win (in a contest, etc): 捕捉; 袭取; 占领; 获得; (竞赛等中) 获胜: ~ → fow/i/qyowess, in war; (作战中) 攻占一城市 (堡垒); ~ 500 prisoners; 俘获五百名俘虏; be ~ prisoner/ cap five, be caught and be made a prisoner. 被俘。 The rabbit was ~〃 in a trap. 那免子被捕免机捉住了。 The major's bull took (— was awarded) the first prize at the agricultural show. 少校的公牛在农业展览会上获得首奖。 How many tricks did you ~, ie win, eg at a card game such as whist or bridge? 你启得了多少磴牌 (如在惠斯特或桥牌戏中)? Be careful not to -cold, become ill with a cold (catch cold is more usu 小心不要着凉 (catch cold 较常用) 。 ~ sb's fancy, please, delight: 使高兴; 使愉快: The new dance has really taken the public's fancy. 这种新的舞蹈深为大家所喜爱。 ~ sb at a disadvantage, be approached, attacked, etc when unready, in an unfavourable situation, etc. 乘人不备:乘人土危。 be ~ ” ill, (passive only) become ill, catch an illness. (只用被动语态) 患病; 罹疾。 ~ sb unawares/ by surprise, approach or discover sb doing sth when he is unaware of one's presence, that one sees him, etc, 在某人不知有人在场,不知有人看到等时接近某人或发现某人做某事; 冷不防出现; 突然接近; 撞见某人做某事。 3 [VP6A] use; use or borrow without permission; steal; avail oneself of: 使用; 不经同意擅自利用或借用; 偷窃; 自取; 擅自利用: Someone has ~/i my hat, ie by mistake. 有人把我的帽子拿走了 (无意中金错了) 。 Who has ~ my bicycle, bor-rowe'd or stolen it? 谁把我的脚踏车拿走了 (借用或偷去) ? He ~s whatever he can lay his hands on. 他取用他能拿到手的东西。 4 [VP6A, 15A, B, 12A, 13A, 19B] carry (sth), accompany (sb), away from a place: 携带; 拿走某物; 伴随某人: ~ letters to the post; 把信付邮; ~ the luggage upstairs; 把行李搬上楼; ~ a friend home in one's, car; 用汽车送朋友回家; ~ the Hog out for a walk; 带狗出去散步; ~ one's wife to the cinema; 带太太去看电影; ~ the children swimming/for a swim. 带孩子们去游泳。 Please ~ these things in/out/away/ back/home, etc. 请把这些东西拿进去 (拿出去,拿开,拿回来,拿回家等) Shall I ~ your message to her/ ~ her your message? 要我把你的信带给她吗? T~ her some flowers. 带一些花给她。 He took me a new way to the coast, by a route that was new to me. 他带我走一条新路去海滨。 ~-home wages/ pay, (colloq) net sum after deduction of national insurance contribution, income tax, etc. (俗) (扣除各项捐税后的) 净薪; 实领工资。 5 [VP6A, 15A] get, have; eat or drink; allow oneself: 得到; 享有; 吃:喝; 享受: ~ a holiday/a walk/a bath/a quick look round/a deep breath; 休福 (散步; 沐浴; 迅速向四周望一眼; 作深呼吸); ~ a chair/a seat, sit down; 坐下; 就座; ~ medical/legal advice, get the advice of a doctor/lawyer; 听取医生 (律师) 的意见; ~ driving lessons; 学习驾驶; ~ ( =hire) a taxi; 雇计程车; ~ ( — rent) a cottage at the seaside for the holidays. 在海边租一憧别墅度假; Let's go into the garden and ~ the air, have some fresh air. 咱们到园子里去透透气。 Will you ~ tea or coffee? 你要喝茶还是要喝咖啡? I'll ~ (=buy) lb of your Kenya coffee. 我要向你买两磅肯亚咖啡。 Why don't you ~ a wife, (old use) marry? (旧用法) 你为什么不娶妻? You should ~ a partner into the business/ ~ your brother into the business. 你应该找一个人合伙经营这生意 (找你兄弟合伙经营) 。 6 [VP6A, 15A, 16A, B] accept; receive: 接受; 领受; 见到: Will you ~ £1500 for the car, sell it for this sum? 你愿意以一千五百镑的价钱出售该车吗? This small caf ~s £500 a week, This is the total of the receipts. 这家小饮食店每周做五百镑的生意。 → takings below. 参看下列之 takings。(From the C of E marriage service) (来自英国敎会婚礼仪式) Do you ~ this man to be your lawful wedded husband? 你接受此人为你合皆婚姻的丈夫吗? You must ~ us as you find us, riot expect exceptional treatment, consideration, etc (while you are with us). 你不可对我们另有期望(我们对你的态度或待遇,就是你见到的这样)。 He will ~ no nonsense, will not allow any. 他不允许胡闹。 I'm not taking any more of your insults, I refuse to listen to them. 我不再听你这些无礼的话了。~。 ” e's chance. a trust to one's luck; accept whatever may come or happen: 碰运气; 接受可能发生或来临之事: She'll have to ~ her chance with the other applicants for the job. 她必须碰自己的运气与其他的求职者竞争那份工作。 b attempt sth though aware of the possibility of failing. 明知可能失败而从事某事。 ~ s chance (on sth), accept the possibility of not getting sth: 做做看; 冒险试做(某事); 接受失败的可能性: I'm ready to ~ a chance on finding him at home, will call hoping to find him there. 我准备到他家去看看他, 希望他在家。 ~ it from me; ~ my word for it, believe me when I say: 当我说…昏相信我; 我保证; 我这话你可以相信: T~ it from me, there'll be some big changes made in the coming year. 我保证未来这一年会发生若干重大的变化。 be able to ~ it; can ~ it, be able to endure suffering, punishment, attack, etc without showing weakness, readiness to admit defeat, etc. 能忍受痛苦、惩罚、攻击等; 挺得住; 挨得过; 受得了。 7 [VP6A] subscribe to; receive and pay for regularly: 订阅; 订购; 定: Which newspapers do you ~? 标订面那些报纸? 8 [VP6A, 15A, B] ~ (down), make a record of: 记录; 记下: ~ notes of a lecture; 作听讲笔记; ~ sth down in shorthand; 用速记记下某事; ~ a letter, from dictation; (根据口述)写下一封信; ~ (down) a broadcast on tape, ie using a taperecorder; 用录音机录下一段广播; ~ a photograph. 拍照片。 [VP2A] He does not ~ well, It is difficult to ~ 'good photographs of him. 他不上照(不容易拍到他的好看的照片)。 9 [VP2B, 6B, 15A] need, require: 需要; 花费: The work took four hours. 这项工作花了四小时。 These things ~ time. 这些事情需要花时间去做。 How long will this job ~ you/How long will you ~ over this job? 你做这事要花多久的时间? The wound took a long time to heal. 这伤口过了很久才痊愈。 ~ o/e's time (over sth), a not hurry; use as much time as one needs: 不匆忙; 不急; 慢慢来; 用时不限制: Take your time over the job, and do it well. 这工作慢慢做,把它做好。 b (ironic) use more time than is reasonable: (反语)浪费时间; 拖延; 磨洋工: The workmen are certainly taking their time over the job. 工人们显然在那里拖延工作的时间。 It ~ two to make a quarrel, (prov) suggesting that both parties to a quarrel are at fault. (谚)一个巴掌拍不响; 两个人才吵得起来(含示双方皆有错)。~ - lot of doing, need much effort, skill, etc. 费事; 费力; 需要努力、技巧等。 10 [VP14 25] ~ sb/sth for...; ~ sb/sth to be..., suppose; conclude; infer; consider: 假定; 推断; 推定; 以为: I took you to be an honest man. 我(过去) 认为你很诚实。 Do you ~ me for a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜吗? Even the experts look the painting for a genuine Rembrandt. 甚至专家们也把那幅画认定是仑布兰特的真品。 ~ it (from sb) that... , assume: 认为; 假定; 想像: I ~ it that we are to come early. 我认为我们应该早点来。 You may ~ it from me that..., be confident because I tell you.... 你可以相信我所说的…。 ~ sb/sth for granted, → grant v(2). 11 [VP6A] find out (by inquiry, measurement, etc): (借询问、测量等)找出; 量出; 测出: The doctor took my temperature. (8 生量我的体温。 Has the tailor ~ ” your measurements for that new suit? 裁缝已为你量身做那套新衣吗? Did the police ~ your name and address? 警察问过了你的姓名及住址吗? V2 [VP22, 16B] treat or regard in a specified way: (用某种指明的方式)处理; 对待: ~ it/things easy, not work too hard or too fast; 不赶做; 不赶工; 不过劳或过快; ~ things coolly/calmly, not get excited; 届之泰然; 不激动; ~ sth ill/amiss, resent it. 对某事表示不高兴。 I should ~ it kindly (= be grateful to you) if.... 我应该感谢你,如果…。 Don't ~ it so seriously, Don't treat the matter with such seriousness. 不要把这事看得如此严重。 ~ sth as+pp, assume it to be: 认为某事业经…: ~ an apology as given/an objection as answered. 认为已经道歉(答复一异议)。 ~ sth as read, agree that it is unnecessary to read it, eg the minutes of the previous meeting. 认为不必读(上次会议记录等)。 ~ (it) as read (that...), assume it, assume that...: 认为…; 以为 …: We can ~ (it) as read that an apology was given. 我们可认费业已道歉。 13 [VP6A] accept responsibility for: 负起…的责任; 履行: ~evening service, (at church) conduct it; (在敎堂)主持晚间礼拜; ~ a class, be in charge, give the class its lesson, etc. 授课; 督导某班级。 14 [VP2A] be successful: 成功; 成就: George Green's second novel did not ~, did not become popular; 乔治格林的第二部小说不畅销。 have the required effect: 奏效; 起所要的反应; 生预期效果: That smallpox injection did not ~. 那次种的牛痘没有效果。 The dye doesn't ~ in cold water, is ineffective. 那染料在冷水中不起作用。 15 (with nn) (For other examples, → the n entries). (与名词连用)(其他例句参看各名词) ~ account of sth,(= ~ sth into account), caccount?). ~ advantage of sb/ sth. advantage. ~ aim. aim1 (2). the biscuit/the cake, cbiscuit, cake. ~ care, ccare1 (2). ~ a chair, c5 above, 参看上列第 5 义。 ~ a/one's chance, 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。 ~ charge (of), → charge'(5). ~ courage, 3 courage. ~ a degree, obtain a degree(5). 获得廖位。~化丿 delight/an interest/ (a) pleasure/ (a) pride in sth, be, show that one is, delighted/ interested, etc in it. 对某事感到高兴(兴趣,愉快,骄傲)。 ~ a dislike to sb, cdislike. ~ effect, effect(1). ~ an examination, be tested on one's knowledge or ability. 应试; 参加考试。 ~ exception to, → exception(3). not/never take one's eyes off, c16 below. 参看下列第 16 义。 ~ a fancy to; ~ the fancy of, cfancy (3). ~ fright (at sth), become frightened. (对卖事)感到惊惧。 ~ a gamble (on sth), do sth knowing it is risky. 冒险做(某事)。 ~ a hand at. chand'(13). ~ sb in hand, accept responsibility for him (esp to improve his behaviour). 负责照顾某人(尤指改进其行为)。 ~ (fresh) heart; ~ sth to heart, cheart (2). ~ heed, pay attention. 注意。 ~ a/the hint, chint. ~ (one's) leave (of sb), → leave2 (3). ~ the liberty of : ~ liberties with, cliberty (2). ~ a liking to, become fond of. 喜欢。 ~ the measure of sb, measure' (1). ~ one's/sb's mind off (sth), mind (2). ~ no notice (of), O notice(3). ~ an oath, → oath(1). ~ objection to, objection(l). ~ offence (at sth), of-fence(2). ~ the opportunity of doing/to do sth, recognize a favourable moment and act, 趁机或抓住机会做某事。 ~ (holy) orders, become a priest, etc. 出任圣职(当僧侣等)。 ~ (great) pains (over sth/to do sth), cpains. ~ part (in), part (4). ~ place; — the place of, cplace1 (10). ~ the risk of; ~ risks, risk(1). ~ a seat, c5 above. 参看上列第 5 义。 ~ silk. t_silk(3).- stock. stock1 (1). ~ one's time (over sth), c9 above. 参看上列第 9 义。 ~ trouble (over sth); ~ the trouble to do sth, ctrouble, n(3). ~ umbrage (at), cumbrage. ~ my word for it, 0 6 above. 参看上列第 6 义。 16 [VP3A, 2C, 15B, 14] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): be taken aback, aback. take after sb, resemble (esp a parent or relation) in features or character: (L长相或性格方面) 像某人(尤指像父母亲或某一亲属) Your daughter does not ~ after you in any way. 你的女儿没有一个地方像你。 take sth apart, separate sth (machinery, etc) into its (component) parts. 把某物(机器等)分解有其组成部分; 拆散; 拆开。 take (away) from, lessen, weaken, diminish: 减少; 减亩; 减小; 降低: That foolish indiscretion took away from his public image. 那次愚蠢的轻率行为损坏了他的形象。 These faulty to some extent ~ (away) from his credit as a biographer. 身为传记作家,这些缺点多少会降低他的信誉。 ~ sth/sb away (from sb/sth), remove: 拿去; 消除; 移动; 使离开; 使退出: Not to be ~n away, eg books from a library. 不可取走(如图书馆里的书)。 The child was ~ n away from school, not allowed to attend. 那孩子被新令退学。 What ~ you away so early, Why are you leaving so early? 你为什么这么早就要走? 'Sandwiche's to , ~ away' (eg as a sign outside a shop, = to be ~n away). Sandwiches may be bought here and eaten elsewhere. '可携走食用的三明治'; '三明治外卖'(例如商店外面之标示)。 Hence, 由此产生, '~away attrib to be ~ n away: 可带走的; 外卖的:~ ~ away hamburgers; 外卖牛肉饼; a ~-away restaurant, one that sells food that may be ~n away. 外卖餐馆。 take sth back, a retreat or withdraw (what one has said) as an admission of error, as an apology, etc: 撤销; 收回(所说的话,以承认错误或道歉等): I ~ back what I said. 我收回我所说的话。 b agree to receive backz 同意拿回; 取回: Shopkeepers will not usually ~ back goods after they have been paid for. 店主人通常不收回已付过钱的货物。 ~ sb back (to), carry or conduct to an earlier period: 使某人回想或金忆: These stories took him back to his childhood days, (fig) brought them back to his mind. (喻)这些故事使他回想到童年时代。 take sth down, a write down: 记录: The reporters took down the speech. 记者们记录演讲词。 b lower; get by lifting down from (a shelf, etc): 窿卞; 降低; 从(架上等)取下: ~ down a book from the top shelf; 从最上面的架上取下一本书; ~ down the curtains/pictures from the walls; 落养(从墙上取下图画); ~ down a mast. 降下桅杆。 c dismantle; pull down; get into separate parts: 拆毁; 拆除; 拆开: ~ down a crane/the scaffolding round a building; 拆除起重机(房屋四周的鹰架); ~ down a partition. 拆掉隔板。 ~ sb 'down a peg (or two), humble; lower the pride of: 独某人的傲气; 贬抑: That fellow needs to be ~ n down a peg. 那像伙需要挫挫他的傲气。 take from, c take (away) from above. K 看上列之 take (away) fromo take sth in, a receive (work) to be done in one's own house for payment: 承揽(工作)在自己家中做: The poor widow earns money by taking in washing/sewing. 那贫苦的寡妇靠在家里替人洗 (缝)衣服度日。 b (c7 above) pay for and receive regularly: (K看上列第 7 义)订阅; 订购: ~in journals/periodicals. 订阅杂志(期刊)。 c reduce the size, area, length or width of (a garment, sail, etc): 减小(衣服、帆等)的尺码、面积、长度或宽度; 改小; 缩小; 癞息; 叠起: This dress needs to be ~n in (= made smaller) at the waist. 这件女装腰部需要改小。 Orders were given to ~ in sail. 已发布了收帆由金令。 0 ~ up the slack at slack ,。 ), d comprise; include, eg in one's journey or route: 包含; 包括(如包括在某人的行程中): a motor-coach tour that ~s in six European capitals. 行程包括欧洲六个国家首都在内的乗坐游览车的观光旅行。 e take (territory, common land, etc) into one's possession; (re)claim: 取得(领土,公有地等); 开壑; 填筑: A good deal of Romney Marsh was ~ n in from the sea by monks. 洛木尼沼地有很大一部分系由僧侣们填海而成。 f understand; absorb; digest mentally: 了解; 吸收; 领会: They listened to my lecture, but how much did they ~ in, I wonder? 他们听了我的课,但是我不知道他们领会了多少? We need more time to ~ in the situation, form a correct idea of it. 我们需要多一点时间来了解当前的情况。 g see at a glance; see at once: 一眼看淸; 同时看到: She took in every detail of the other woman's clothes. 她一眼就看到了另一位女士衣服的每一个细微处。 He took in the scene at a glance. 他看了一眼那(地方的)劈色。 h listen to, watch, with excitement: 波动地听或 K: The children took in the whole spectacle open-mouthed. 孩子们张着嘴惊奇地注视整个的精采表演。 ~ sb in, a receive, admit: 接待; 收容: make a living by taking in guests/lodgers; 靠接待客人 (寄宿者)维持生活。 ~ a traveller in for the night. 接待旅客住夜。 b deceive; get the better of by a trick: 欺骗; 诈曲: Don't let yourself be ~ n in by these politicians. 不要(使你自己) 受这些政客的欺骗。 He was badly ~ n in when he bought that second-hand car. 他购买那辆旧汽车时,大大地受骗了。 take sth into account, account(7). ~ a person into one's confidence, cconfidence(l). ~ sth into one's head, chead (19). take off, a make a start in jumping. 起跳。 b (of an aircraft) leave the ground and rise: (扌盲条机)起飞: The plane took off despite the fog. M 架飞机不顾大雾而起飞。 Hence, 由此产生, '~off n a (also jump-off, esp in show jumping) place at which the feet leave the ground in jumping. (亦作 jump-off, 尤指超越障碍骑术表演中)(脚离地面的)起跳处; 起跳点。 b (of aircraft) leaving the ground and rising: (指飞机)起飞: a smooth ~-off. 平稳的起飞。 touch-down at touch(11). ~ sth off, a remove: 除去; 脱掉: ~ off one's shirt. 脱掉衬衫。 Why don't you ~ shave) off that silly little moustache? 你为什么不剃掉那无聊的小胡子勇? The surgeon took off (= amputated) his leg. 外科医生切去了他的腿。 ~ one's hat off to sb, hat. b withdraw (from service): 撤消(…的月 R 务): The 7am express to Bristol will be ~n off next month, will nQt run. 上午七时开往布里斯托的快车将于下月停驶。 ~ sth off (sth), a lift and move to another position: 移动; 搬位: T~ your hand off my shoulder. 把你的手从我肩膀上圣开。 b deduct: 源去; 减少: ~ 50p off the price. 减价五 + 便士。 ~ sb off, a conduct; lead away somewhere: 引导; 带走; 引开: He was ~ off to prison. 他被送进监狱。 She took me off to see her garden. 她引导我去看她的花园。 ~ sb off sth, remove him from it: 使某人离开某物: The crew were ~ n off (rescued from) the wrecked ship by the lifeboat. 船员们被救生艇救离了难船。 b ridicule by imitation; mimic; burlesque: 借学样取笑: Alice is clever at taking off the headmistress. 爱丽丝善于模仿女校长的样子以取笑她。 Hence, 由此产生, '→off n caricature; burlesque imitation of sb's behaviour: (对某人行为等的)滑稽的模仿: a good ~ off of the Prime Minister. 学首相的样子而模仿得维妙维肖的动作。 not/never ~ one's eyes off sth/sb, look at constantly: 不停地注视某物或某人; 钉着看: He never took his eyes off his small daughter while she was swimming in the sea. 当他的小女儿在海里游泳时,他一直注视着她。~。睥 's mind off (sth), 3 mind1 (2). take on, a (colloq) become excited or agitated; make a fuss: (俗)激动; 激昂; 作无谓纷扰: She took on something dreadful when I said she'd told a pack of lies. 当我吿诉她她撒了很多谎时,她激动得可怕。 (bj (colloq) become popular; have a vogue: (俗) 受欢迎; 流行: We introduced a new sports car last year but it never took on. 去年我们引进一种新型跑车,但未受欢迎。 ~ sth on, a undertake; charge oneself with: 从事; 担任; 承当: ~ extra work/heavy responsibilities. 承 . 担额外工作 (重责) 。 You've ~ on too much. 你承真的工作太多了。 b assume; put on (a quality, appearance): 装出; 表现 (某种性质,外表) : The chameleon can ~ on the colours of its background. 变色蜥蜴可现出与其背景相同的颜色。 ~ sb on, a accept as an opponent: 接受某人作为对手; 接受挑战: ~ sb on at golf/billiards; 与某人比蓦高尔夫球 (撞球); ready to ~ on all coiners, play against, fight, anyone who accepts a challenge. 准备迎战所有接受挑战者。 b engage: 雇用:~。 twenty more workers. 再雇用二十名工人。 c (of a train, etc) allow to enter: (指火车等) 2 进入: The bus stopped to ~ on some children. 公共汽车停下来载一些小孩子。但) (of trains, etc) carry too far, past the destination: (指火车等) 使过站; 运送过远: I fell asleep in the train and was ~ /i on to York. 我在火车上睡着了,一直坐到了约克。 take sth out, a extract; remove: 除去; 拔去; 剪除: have one's appendix/a tooth ~ out. 斯除盲肠 (拔牙) 。 How can I ~ out (= remove) these inkstains from my blouse? 我应样才能把我罩衫上这些墨水汚迹除去呢? b obtain; procure (sth issued): 获得; 领得 (颁发之文件等): ~ out an insurance policy/a driving licence/a summons/a patent. 领到保险单 (驾驶执照,传票,专利证书) 。 ~ Sb out, a conduct; accompany: 带某人外出; 引领; 伴随: ~ the children out fora walk; 带孩子们出去散步; ~ one's wife out for dinner, ie at a restaurant. 带太太出去 (在馆子里) 吃饭。 b (in bridge) : (桥牌戏中): ~ one's partner out, make a higher bid (than that which he has made). 叫牌高于搭档。 ~ it out in sth, accept as recompense or compensation: 接受某物作为赔偿或补偿: The innkeeper couldn't pay me the £10 he owed me but let me ~ it out in drinks and cigars. 小旅店老板无力偿还欠我的十镑,但是他让我拿酒及雪茄作为抵偿。 ~ it out of sb, leave him weak and exhausted: 使某人衰弱; 使某人筋疲力竭: His recent illness/All that hard work has ~ n it out of him. 他最近的一场病 (所有那些繁重的工作) 已耗尽他的体力。 ~ it out on sb, vent one's anger, disappointment, etc on (usu) sb else: 向某人发泄怒气、失望等: He came home angry at losing his job and took it out on his wife. 他回到家里因为失去工作而生气,并把一肚子的怒气发泄到他太太身上。 take sb over (to), carry from one place to another: 从一地送某人至另一地: Mr White took me over to the island in his launch. 怀特先生用他的汽艇载我至该岛。 ~ sth over (from sb), assume control of; succeed to the management or ownership of (a business, etc): 接管; 接收 (商店等): Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain, nationalized them? 英国政府接管铁路 (将铁路收为国有) 是在 1948 年吗? When Mr Green retired his son took over the business from him. 格林先生退休后,由他儿子接管他的生意。 Hence, 由此产生, '~over n change of control of a firm or company, eg after another has made a successful bid to buy its stock: (公司或商店的) 接收; 接管; 改变控制权 (如因他人购得其股票): “ '-over bid. 取得控制权的出价。 ~ (from sb), accept duties, responsibilities, etc: (从某人) 接收职务、责任等; 接任: The new Chancellor took over (ie from his predecessor) yesterday. 新校长昨天 (从他的前任) 接事。 take to sth, a adopt as a practice or hobby, as a means of livelihood; get into a habit: 采纳某事 (作为习惯或嗜好,或作为谋生的方法); 从事; 养成; 耽于: ~ to gardening when one retires; 退休后从事园艺; ~ to drinking), get into the habit of taking alcoholic liquor; 嗜酒; 耽酒; ~ to the road, become a tramp (or, in former times a highwayman); (of a circus, etc) go on tour from town to town giving shows. 沦为流浪汉; (指昔时) 沦为强盗; (指马戏班等) 到各处巡回演出。 b take refuge in; use as a means of escape: 逃入; 利用…作为逃亡工具: ~ to flight, run away; 逃走; ~ to the woods/the jungle/the heather, go to the woods, etc, to avoid capture. 逃入林中 (丛林,石南林) 。 The crew took to the boats when the torpedo struck the ship. 鱼雷击中那船时,船员们乘救生艇逃生。 ~ to one's heels, cheel1(1). ~ to sth/b, conceive a liking for: 对某事砂或某人怀有好感; 喜欢: Has the baby ~ zi to its new nursemaid? 那婴儿喜欢新来的保姆吗? That boy will never ~ to cricket. 那个男孩子永远不会喜欢板球。 take sth up. a lift up; raise: 拿起; 举起; 抬起; 收起:~ one's pen/book/gun; 拿起笔 (书,枪); ~ up a carpet. 收起地毯。 b (of trains, taxis, etc; more usu 较常角 ~ on) stop to allow (passengers) to enter. (指火车,计程车等) 停下来接纳 (旅客) 。 c absorb (a liquid) : 吸收 (液体): Blotting-paper ~s up ink. 吸墨纸吸收亶水。 d dissolve (solids) : 溶痹 (固体): How much water is needed to ~ up a pound of salt? 溶解一磅食盐需要多少水? e interest oneself in; engage in (sth) (as a hobby, business, etc): 对…有兴趣; 从事 (某事) (作为嗜好,事业等): ~ up photography/market gardening. 从事摄影 (蔬菜种植) 。 f pursue further; begin afresh (sth left off, sth begun by sb else): 继续; 重新开始 (停顿之事, 他人所开始之事): Harry took up the tale at the point where John had left off. 哈利接着约翰停止的地方继续讲那个故事。 g occupy (time, space): 占据 (时间七空间); 占用: This table ~s up too much space. 这张桌子占地方太大。 My time is fully ~n up -with writing. 我的时间全都花在写作上了。 h (comm) advance money (on a mortgage); accept (a Bill of Exchange); subscribe for (shares, etc) at the time of issue. (商) (按抵押) 垫款; 承兑 (滙票); (发行时) 认购 (股份等) 。 i catch the end of and make secure: 抓住…的末端并使牢固; 使稳定:~叩 a dropped stitch. 系牢一处脱线的针脚。 '~-up spool n (on a cin6 projector, tape-recorder, etc) spool on to which film, tape, etc is wound from the spool having the film, tape, etc that is being used. (电影放映机,录音机等上的班片卷轴; 收带卷轴 (从另一卷轴收卷使用中之影片或录音带者) 。 ~ sth up (with sb), speak or write (to him) about it: (口头或书面向某人) 提出某事: I will ~ the matter up with the Ministry, eg by asking for information, or by making a protest. 我将向政府提出此事 (如要求说明或提出抗议) 。 ~ sb up, make a protege of; help: 保护; 帮助: The young soprano was ~ n up by the famous conductor, He encouraged and helped her in her career. 那位年轻的女高音得到那位名指挥家的照顾。 ~ sb 'up on sth, accept from him his offer, challenge. bet, etc: 接受某人的提议,挑战,打赌等: Why don't you take Jim up on his offer to lend you £50? 吉姆要借给你五十镑,你为何不接受? be ~ /7 up with sb/sth. be much interested in: 对某人或汇事物深感员趣: He seems to be very much ~ up with that tall Swedish girl, 他似申对那位高个子瑞典女郎特别感兴趣。 ~ sb up sharp/short, interrupt and correct (a speaker): 打断并改正 (说话者): He took me up short when I suggested that.... 当我建议…时,他打断了我的话。 ~ up one's residence at, (formal) proceed to occupy: . (正式用语) 定居于; 迁入: The new ambassador has ~ up his residence (in the Embassy). 新任大使已经迁入 (大使馆) 定居。 take sth upon/on oneself, assume responsibility; undertake: 承担责任; 揽事; 从事: You mustn't ~ upon yourself the right to make decisions. 你不可以擅权而自做主张。




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