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单词 susceptible
释义 susceptible /sa'septabl; sa'scptabl/ adj 1 easily influenced by feelings; impressionable: 易受惑信影响的; 易动感情的; 多情的: a girl with a ~ nature; 易动感情的女郎; a ~ young man, one who easily falls in love. 多情的牟轻人。 2 ~ to, sensitive to; easily affected by: 易感的 [ 敏感的; 易受…感动的: ~ to flattery/kind treatment; 易为谄媚(礼遇) 所动的; ~ to pain. 对痛苦敏感的。 3 ~ of, (formal) capable of, that can receive or be given: (正式用语) 能…的; 容许…的: Is your statement ~ .of proof? 你的陈述可加以证明吗?|.ity /sa.septa-'bilati; S3/septd'bildti/ n (pl -ties) 1 [U] sensitiveness: 易感性; 敏感性; 感受性: ~ to hay fever/ hypnotic influences. 对花粉热(催眠) 的敏感性。 2 (pl) sensitive points of a person's nature: (复)(一个人性格上的)敏感处; 感情: We must avoid wounding their susceptibilities, not say or do anything that might hurt their feelings. 虫们必须避免伤害他们的感情。




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