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单词 surely
释义 surely /'/vsli; 'Jurli/ adv 1 (usu placed with the v) with certainty: (通常与动词连用) 确实地; 无误地; 必然地: He will ~ fail. 他必然会失败。 He was working slowly but ~. 他 (那时) 工作得很慢,但很确实。 2 (placed either with the subject, usu preceding it, or at the end of the sentence, often indicating either confidence or incredulity) if experience or probability can be trusted. (或与主词蘸用,通常置于主词前,或放在一句的末尾,常用以表示信心或怀疑) 如果照经验或常理推断 (进展): S ~ this wet weather won't last much longer! 这种下雨的天气必定不会再继续很久! You didn't want to hurt his feelings, ~! 不用说,你无意伤他的感情! S ~ I've met you before somewhere. 我一定在什么地方遇见过你。 3 (esp US) (in answers) certainly; undoubtedly: (尤美) (在答话命) 当然; 无疑地: 'Would you be willing to help?'— (Certainly is more usu in GB usage.) '你愿意帮忙吗?当然 (愿意)! (英国多用 certainly 。)




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