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单词 suppress
释义 suppress /sa'pres; sa'pres/ vt [VP6A] 1 put an end to the activity or existence of: 镇压; 本定; 制止: ~a rising/the slave trade. 镇压叛乱(制止奴隶贩卖)。 2 prevent from being known or seen: 抑制; 扣留; 查禁; 隐瞒: ~ the truth/a yawn/one's feelings; 隐匿真相(抑制呵欠; 压抑感情); ~ a newspaper, prevent its publication. 查禁一家报纸。 ~ion /sa-■prefn; ss'prc/sn/ n ~ing: 镇压; 平定; 压止; 抑制; 扣布; 盏禁; 隐腐: a policy of ~ion, eg of ~ing movements for independence or for freedom. 高历政策。 ~ive adj tending to ~; designed to ~. MM 性的; 为镇压而设计的; 平定的; 抑制的; 隐瞒的。~。 r /-sa(r); -8/ n sth that ~ es; (esp) a device fitted to electric apparatus to prevent interserence with radio and television reception: 镇压等的事物; (尤指) 干扰遏止器(装于电器上,以防止干扰无线电及电视之接收的兵置): fit a ~ to an electric motor. 在电动机 (马达)上装置一干扰遏止器。




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