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单词 suppose
释义 suppose /sa'pauz; sa'poz/ vt 1 [VP9, 6A, 25] let it be thought that; take it as a fact that: 认虫; 假定: Let us ~ (that) the news is true. 让我后假定这消息是真确的。 S~ the world were flat. 假定地球是扁平的。 Everyone is ~d to know the rules, It is assumed, taken for granted, that we all know the rules. 大家都该知道这些规则。 I don't ~ for -one/a minute that..., I don't believe that,... 我压根儿不相信…。 2 [VP9, 6A, 25] guess; think: 推测; 猜想; 急像: What do you ~ he wanted? 你想他需要什么? All her neighbours ~d her to be/ ~d that she WQS a widow. 她的邻人们都以为她是一个寡妇。 You'll be there, I ~. 我想你会去的。 WiH he come?'—'Yes, I ~ so'/1 No, I ~ nof/'No, I don't ~s 。 .’ 他会来吗是的,我想他会'('不,我想他不会'; '不,我认为他不会来')。 I ~ you want to borrow money again! 我猜你又要借钱了! 3 [VP6A] (forming an imper, or used to make a suggestion or proposal): (构成祈使句,或用以做成一项建议或提议): S ~ we go t- Let's go) for a swim. (我提议) 我们去游泳吧。 4 [VP6A] require as a condition; imply: 须以…为条件; 必须有; 意味着: Creation ~s a creator. 创造必须先有创造者。 5 be ~d to. a be expected or required to (by customs, duty, etc): 被期望或要求; 应该: Is he ~d to clean the outside of the windows or only the inside? 他应该把窗户外面也擦干净呢,还是擦窗户里面就可以? b (colloq) (in the neg) not be allowed to: (俗) (用于否定句中)不被许可: We're not ~d to play football on Sundays. 我们在 jg 拜天不许踢足球。 supposing conj if: 假如; 倘若: Supposing it rains, what shall you do? 如果下起雨来,你怎么办呢? ~d adj accepted as being so: 被信以为真的; 假定的; 推测的; 咸信的: his ~d generosity. 他那种被信以为真的慷慨。 The ~d beggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那个大家认为是乞丐的人,原来是乔装的警官。 supposedly /-idli; -idli/ adv according to what is/was ~d. 臆测上; 想像上; 恐怕; 大概。




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