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单词 supply
释义 supply /sa'plai; ss'plax/ vt ( pt, pp -lied) [VP6A, 14] ~ sth to sb; ~ sb with sth, 1 give or provide (sth needed or asked for): 供给; 供应 (所需要或所要求之物): ~ gas/electricity to domestic consumers; 供应瓦斯 (电) 给住户; ~ consumers with gas, etc. 以瓦斯等供罗消费表。 2 meet (a need): 满足 (需要): Should the government ~ the need for more houses, (help to) provide them (eg by building them, or giving subsidies or making loans)? 政府应该满足 (人们) 对更多房屋的需要吗? n 1 [U] ~ing; [C] (pl -lies) that which is supplied; stock or amount of sth which is obtainable: 供给; 供应; 供给之物; 现货; 现货贮存量: Have you a good ~ of reading matter for the train journey, plenty of books, magazines, etc?' 你有供火车旅行的许多读物吗? We shall be receiving new supplies of shoes next week,> (eg of a shop) new stocks. (如指商店) 我们将于下周收到鞋子的新货。 ~ and demand, quantities available and quantities asked for (thought of as regulating prices). 供给和需要; 供与求 (被认为系决定物价的因素) 。 in short ~, scarce (which is the more usu word). 稀少的; 缺乏的 (scarce — 字较常用) 。 2 supplies, (esp) stores necessary for some public need, eg the armed forces: (尤指) 公众必需品 (如军需品); 生活必需品: 'medical supplies. 医疗用品。 3 be/go on ~, work as a temporary substitute, eg for a teacher or clergyman: 临时代人工作; 作临时替工: (attrib) (形容用法) a '~ teacher. 代课教员。 4 supplies, (GB) grant of money by Parliament for the cost of government. (英) 国会对政府的开支所做之拨款。 S~ Day, (in the House of Commons) day on which approval of the Estimates (of expenditure) is asked for. (下议院中) 请求批准预算日。 5 supplies, allowance of money to a person: 个人的津贴; 零用金: Tom's father cut off the supplies. 汤姆的父煎信发零用金。 supplier n person or firm ~ing goods, etc. 供应货物等的人或商店; 供应商。 wtight of; hold up or keep in place: 支持; 支撑; 扶持: Is this bridge strong enough to ~ heavy lorries? 这座桥禁得起重卡车通行吗? He hurt his ankle, so he had to be ~ed home, someone had to




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