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单词 superstition
释义 superstition /,su:po'stijn; , sup'stijan/ n [C, U] (idea, practice, etc founded on) unreasoning belief in magic, witchcraft, etc; irrational fear of ing flat on the back, face upwards. 仰卧的; 仰着的。点 prone (1). 2 inactive; slow to act; indolent. 不活泼的; 怠惰的; 迟缓的; 因循的; 没精打采的。 ~ly adv what is unknown or mysterious: 迷信; 迷信的观念; 迷信的习俗(盲从魔术、巫术等所形成的观念或作为); 对未知、陌生或神秘事物的本能恐惧: sunk in ignorance and ~ 沉溺于无知与迷信中。 super-stitious /,su: pa'sti-jas; zsjup'stijas/ adj of, showing, resulting f rom, ~; believing in ~s: 迷信的; 显示或来口迷信的; 相信迷信事物的: superstitious beliefs/ideas/people. 迷信的说法(观念,人们)。 super-sti-tious-ly adv




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