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单词 sun
释义 sun /sAn; SAn/ n 1 (the) sun, the heavenly body from which the earth gets warmth and light. 日; 太阳。点 the illus at planet. 参看 planet 之插图。 rise with the sun, get up at dawn. 藜明创起; 早起。 the midnight sun, the sun as seen in the arctic and antarctic regions. 午夜太阳 (在两极地区所见者) 。 2 (the) sun, light and warmth from the sun: 阳免; 日光: sit in the sn,, 坐在阳光下; have the sun in one's eyes; 阳光照在眼中; draw the curtains to shut ou't/let in the sun. 总窗帘遮蔽 (放 .进) 阳光。 Me s““ ,(anywhere) in the world: 太阳之下; 在世界上 (任何地方): the best wine under the sun. 世界上最妙的酒。 give sb/have a place in the sun, (fig) space and conditions favourable to development. (喻) 处顺境 (给予某人有利的发展空间及环境) 。 3 [C] any fixed star: 任何恒星: There are many suns larger than ours. (宇宙间) 有许多恒星比我们的太阳还要大。 4 (compounds) (复合字尸 survbaked adj made hard by the heat of the sun: 太阳晒干的: sunbaked fields. 太阳晒干的田地。 sunbathe vi expose one's body to sunlight, eg to give a pale skin a tan. 作日光浴。 → sunburn below, 参看丁列之 sunburno 'sunbeam n ray of sunshine; (colloq) cheerful and happy person (espachild). 日光; 阳光; (俗) 愉快的人 (尤编小孩) 。 sun diincl n window shade, esp an awning outside a window. 遮阳; (尤指窗亦的) 遮篷; 篷盖。 'sun-bonnet/-hat n hat or (usu linen) bonnet made so as to shade the face and neck from the sun. 遮阳帽; 太阳帽。 sun burn n [C, U] (place where there is a) darkening of the skin caused by the sun, or reddening and blistering caused by too much exposure to the sun. 曜黑洒黑处; 晒斑; 日炙; 晒红或晒痛 (处) 。 sunburnt, sunburned adj having sunburn. 晒黑的; H 炙的; 有晒斑的。 'sun.burst n sudden burst of sunlight (through broken clouds). (云缝中) 突现的阳光。 'sundial n device that shows the time by the shadow of a rod or plate on a scaled dial. 日规; 日昌 (仪) 。 'sundown n [U] sunset. 日落; 日没。 'sun-downer n a (in Australia) tramp who habitually arrives (at a sheep farm, etc) at nightfall. (澳冲) 常到牧场等处借宿的徒步旅客。 b (colloq) drink (usu of sth alcoholic) at sundown. (俗) 傍晚的饮料 (通常为酒类) 。 'sun-drenched adj exposed to great light and heat from the sun: 饱受阳光照射的; 晒透了的: sun-drenched beaches along the Riviera. 里维耶拉阳光普照的海滩。 'sun-dried adj (of fruit, etc) dried naturally, by the sun, not by artificial heat, (M 水果等) 太阳晒干的。 sun-fish n large fish almost spherical in shape. 翻车鱼 (一种几乎呈球形的大鱼), 'sunflower n tall garden plant with large golden-rayed flowers. 向日葵。点 the illus at flower. 参看 flower 之插图。 'sun-glasses n pl glasses of dark-coloured glass to protect the eyes from bright sunshine. 太阳眼镜。 'sun-god n sun worshipped as a god. 日神; 太阳神。 'sun-helmet n hat specially made to protect the head from the sun in the tropics. (热带用的) - 太阳盔; 遮阳盔。 'sun-lamp n lamp that gives out ultra-violet rays with effects like those of the sun, used for artificial sun-bathing. 太阳灯 (可产生紫外线,用于人工白光浴) 。 'sunlight n [U] the light of the sun. 日光; 太阳光。 sun lit adj lighted by the sun: 阳光照耀的; 被阳光照射的: a sunlit landscape. 阳光照耀下的景色。 'sun-lounge, or, less usu 或,较不常用, 'sun-parlourZ-porch n made with glass sides and so situated as to admit much sunlight. 日光浴室 (廊) (四面以玻璃为屛,以容大址阳光) 。 'sun-ray n ultra-violet ray used on the body: (用于人体的) 紫外光线; 太阳光线: (attrib) (形容用法) 'sun-ray treatment. 日光疗法; 紫外线疗法。 'sun-rise n [U] (time of) the sun's rising: 日出; 日出的时刻; 黎明: start at sunrise. 拂晓动身。 'sun-roof (or, less usu 或,较不常用 'sunshine-roof) n panel on the roof of a saloon car which slides back to admit sunshine. (某种植车的) 活动顶 (可拉开让阳光射入者) 。 'sunset /-set; -setI n [U] (time of) the sun's setting. 日落; 日落时刻; 傍晚。 'sunshade n parasol (like an umbrella) to keep off the sun; awning of a shop window. 遮阳伞; 商店橱窗的遮阳篷。 'sun skine n [U] light of the sun. 日光; 阳光。 'sun-spot n (astron) dark patch on the sun at times, often causing electrical disturbances and interfering with radio communications; (colloq) place that has a sunny climate (eg for holidays). (天文) 太阳黑子; 口斑 (不时出现在太阳上的黑斑,常引起电的扰乱,并干扰无线电通讯); (俗) 多阳光的地方 (如假日去处)。 'sunstroke n [U] illness caused by too much exposure to the sun, esp on the head. 日射病; 中喝; 中罟。 suntan n [U, C] browning of the skin from exposure to sunlight: (因哂太阳而) 皮肤变黑; 哂黒; 晒红: 'suntan lotion/oil. 防晒剂 (油) 。 'sun-trap n warm sunny place (sheltered from wind). 日光窝 (避风而多传光的暖和处) 。 sun-up n [U] (colloq) sunrise. (俗) 日出; 日出时刻; 黎明。 'sunworship n [U] worship of the sun as a deity; (colloq) fondness for sun-bathing. 太阳崇拜 (把美阳看作神); (俗) 爱好日光浴。 W (-nn-) [VP6A] put in, expose (oneself) to, the rays of the sun: 曝; 晒: The cat was sunning itself on the path. 那只锚在小径上晒太阳。 sundess adj receiving little or no sunlight; without sun; dark: 哂不到太阳的; 无太阳的; 黑暗的: a sunless day/room. 阴天 (阴暗的房商) 。 sunny adj (-ier, -iest) 1 bright with sunlight: 向阳的; 阳光足的; 晴朗的:向阳的房间; sunny days. 晴朗的日子。 up, (US) (of an egg) fried on one side only. (美) (指蛋) 只煎一面的。 2 cheerful: 欢乐的; 愉快的: a sunny smile/disposition / welcome. 愉快的微笑 (性情,欢迎) „ sunnily /-ill; -ill/ adv




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