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单词 sugar
释义 sugar /'Juga (r) ; 'jug1/ n [U] sweet substance obtained from the juices of various plants, esp ('cane-~) from '~-cane and fbeet- ~) from →beet, used in cooking and for sweetening tea, coffee, etc. 糖 (尤指用甘蔗制成的蔗糖以及用甜菜制成的甜菜糖) 。 ~-'coated adj coated with 涂有糖的; 有糖衣的: ~-coated pills; 糖衣药丸; (fig) superficially attractive: (喻) 表面可爱动人的:~ ~ coated promises. 听起来动人的诺言。 '~-daddy n (colloq) rich, usu elderly, man who is generous to a young woman in return for sexual favours or friendship. (俗) 糖老爹; 老瘟生 (通常指有钱的老汉,肯在年轻女子身上花大钱,以换取性方面的享受或友情) 。 ,■~-loaf n hard lump of ~ in the form of a cone, as sold in former times. (昔时售卖的) 圆椎形硬糖块。 | ~-lump n small cube of ~, used to sweeten a cup of tea, coffee, etc. 方糖。 '~-refinery n establishment where raw ~ is refined. 炼糖厂; 制糖厂。 '~-tongs n pl small tongs for taking lumps (cubes) of ~ at table. (桌上用的) 方糖钳子; 夹镭萄。 [VP6A] sweeten or mix with ~. 加糖使甜; 混以糖。 → pill (1). sugary adj tasting of ~; (fig) too sweet: 甜的; (喻) 甜美的; 太甜的; 阿谀的: ~y compliments/music. 阿谀的恭维 (甜美的音乐) 。




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