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单词 suffer
释义 suffer /'SAfa(r); 'SAf l vi, vt 1 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (from), feel or have pain, loss, etc: 受苦; 受书; 受罚; 受损失; 患病等: ~ from (= often have) headaches; 时常头痛; ~ing from loss of memory. 遗忘症。 His business ~ed while he was ill, His business did not do well. 在他患病期间他的生意不大好。 You will ~ (= be punished) one day for your insolence! 你总有一天会因为你的无礼而受到惩罚! 2 [VP6A] experience, undergo (sth un pleasant). 经历,遭受(不愉快之事): ~ pain/defeat/ adversity; 遭受痛苦(失败,不幸); ~ death, lose one's life, eg as a condemned criminal or as a martyr. 丧生(如被处死或殉道)。 3 [VP17] allow, permit (which are the more usu words). 容许; 准许(allow, permit 较常用)。 4 [VP6A] tolerate; put up with: 忍受; 忍耐; 忍住: How can you ~ such insolence? 你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢? ~ fools gladly, be patient with foolish people.' 忍耐地与笨人相处。 ~er /'SAfara(r); 'SAfare/ n person who ~s. 受苦者; 受害者; 患病者。 ~able /'sAfsrabl; 'SAfrsbl/ adj bearable, 可忍受的; 可容许的; 可堪的。 ~ing n 1 [U] pain of body or mind: 身体或心灵的痛苦; 苦难: How much ~ing is there in the world? 世界上有多少苦难? 2 (pl) feelings of pain, unhappiness, etc: (复)痛苦、不幸等的感觉; 苦恼; 折磨: They laughed at the prisoner's ~ings. 他们嘲笑这囚犯所受的折磨。




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