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单词 submit
释义 submit /sab'mit; sab'mit/ vt, vi (-tt-) 1 [VP6A, 14] ~ oneself to sb/sth, put (oneself) under the control of another: 使 (自己) 受他人控制; 服从; 屈服于: ~ oneself to discipline. 服从纪律。 Should a wife ~ herself to her husband? 妻子应顺从她的丈夫吗? 2 [VP14] ~ sb to sth, cause him to endure it: 使某人忍受某事: ~ a prisoner to torture/ interrogation. 使一囚犯受刑 (受审讯) 。 3 [VP6A, 14] ~ sth (to sb/sth), put forward for opinion, discussion, decision, etc: 提出某事物 (供评断, 讨论,决定等): ~ plans/proposals, etc to a city council; 向市议会提出计划 (建议等); ~ proofs of identity. 提出鉴定证明。 4 [VP9] (legal) suggest, argue: (法律) 建议; 主张; 声辩: Counsel ~ted that there was no case against his client. 辩护人辩称没有一条指控可加罪于他的当事人。 5 [VP3A] ~ to sb/sth. surrender; give in; abstain from resistance: 投降; 顺从; 屈服: ~ to the enemy/ill treatment/separation from one's family. 屈服于敌人(甘受虐待; 忍痛与家庭分离)。




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