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单词 acknowledge
acknowledge/ ək′nɒlɪdʒ, AmE -′nɑ:-/ vt [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)承认(admit the truth fact or existence of)[T+nT+-ingT+thatD+to+n+thatT+whC+n+adjC+n+to-infC+n+-ed]:~defeat/one's mistakes/one's errors/one's faults/the fact承认失败/错误/错误/过失/事实;~the need for reform/the truth of sb's statement/sb's right to do sth承认需要改革/某人叙述的真实/某人做事的权利;~having been defeated/firing the shot 承认失败/开枪了;~(to sb)that one was defeated/that it was true(向某人)承认失败/那是真的;~oneself to be defeated/it to be true 承认自己失败了/那是真的;~oneself defeated/beaten承认自己失败/失败了;a generally~d expert/fact公认的专家/事实;〖同〗recognize,accept,admit,confess;〖反〗deny,reject;

(2) 承认……是,认可(accept sb as...)[C+n+n/adjC+n+to-inf(be),C+n+as]:~sb master 承认某人是主人;~sb to be the best player/to have been good-humoured 承认某人是最好的选手/一直是和蔼可亲的; ~sb as one's heir/one's son/supreme ruler/America's finest writer 认可某人是自己的继承人/自己的儿子/最高统治者/美国最优秀的作家;〖同〗admit;

(3)告知收到(state(usu in writing)that one has received sth)[T+n]:~(receipt of)the letter/the gift/the parcel from...告知收到了……的信/礼物/包裹;sign and~receipt 签字以示收到;

(4)感(答)谢(express thanks for sth)[T+nT+n+prep(with)]:~sb's help in one's speech 在讲话中答谢某人的帮助;~sb's help/sb's services with a present用礼物答谢某人的帮助/服务;~sb's recommendation/sb's favour/sb's kindness with thanks 答谢某人的推荐/恩惠/好意;

(5)(用微笑、点头、招手、问候等)表示已注意到(认出)(show that one has noticed or recognized sb as by smilingnoddingwaving or greeting)[T+n]:He walked past me without even~ing me/my presence/my greeting.他从我身边过都没有注意到我/我在场/我的问候。stand up to~the cheers of the crowd 站起来向欢呼的人群示意;~sb by lifting one's hat 举帽向某人示意;〖同〗 respond to,reply to,answer;〖反〗ignore;

→ ack′nowledg(e)ment n 承认;告知收到;答谢;






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