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单词 sublime
释义 sublime /sa'blaim; sa'blaim/ adj 1 of the greatest and highest sort; causing wonder or reverence: 至大至高的; 庄严的; 伟大的; 令人惊异或崇敬的; 卓越的: ~ scenery/heroism/self-sacrifice. 壮丽的景色 (令人崇敬的英勇行为; 伟大的自我牺牲) 。 2 extreme; astounding (as of a person who does not fear the consequences): 极; 最; 令人震惊的 (如指不顾后果的人): What ~ conceit/impudence/indifference! 多么令人吃惊的自负 (厚颜,冷漠)! n the ~,that which fills one with awe or reverence. 令人敬畏或崇敬的事物; 卓绝。 (go) from the ~ to the ridiculous, (pass) from what is beautiful, noble, etc to what is trivial, inferior, absurd, etc: 煞风景 (从原本美好、高贵等的事物变成平凡、低劣、荒议等的事物): To find a snack bar at the top of Mount Olympus would be to go from the ~ to the ridiculous. 在奥林帕斯山顶发现一个小吃店, 真是煞风景。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 伟大地; 崇高地; 卓越地; 令人惊异地; 异常地: He was ~ly unconscious (= completely ignorant) of how foolish he looked. 他根本不知道他的样子有多愚蠢。 sublimity /ss'blim-str; sa'blimati/ n [U and in pl 并用复数; -ties] ~ quality or qualities: 伟天性; 崇高性; 卓越性; 异常性: the sublimity of the Alps; 阿尔卑斯山的壮丽; the sublimities of great art. 伟大园术的崇高性。




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