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单词 subjective
释义 subjective /sab'djektiv; sab'daektiv/ adj 1 (of ideas, feelings, etc) existing in the mind, not produced by things outside the mind; not objective: (指观念、感情等)主观的; 存在于心中而非由外在事物产生的; 非客观的: Did he really see a ghost or was it only a ~ impression? 他真的见到了鬼,抑或仅仅是主观的感觉? 2 (of art and artists, writing, etc) giving the personal or individual point of view or feeling (opo to realistic art, writing, etc). (指艺术及艺术家,写作等) 表现个人的观点或感觉的; 主观的 (与写实艺术、作品等相反) 。 3 (gram) of the subject. (文法) 主词的。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 主 _b; 主观地: An examination paper in arithmetic can be marked objectively, but a literary essay can be marked only ~ (y, ie on the personal impression of the examiner. 算术试卷可以客观评分,但是一篇文章却只能愚阅卷者的主观印象评分。 subjec-tivity /iSAbdjek'tivati; Abdsek'tivati/ n (UJ.




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