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单词 stroke
释义 stroke1 /strsuk; strok/ n [C] 1 (act of striking or dealing a) blow: 打击;一击: kill a man with one ~ of a sword; 挥剑一击而杀死某人; the ~ of a hammer; 锤的敲击; 20 ~s of the lash. 鳗打二十下。 2 one of a series of regularly repeated movements, esp as a way of swimming or rowing: 一连串有规律的反覆动作之一; (尤指) (游泳或划船时的) 一划; 一动: swimmi/ig with a slow ~; 慢划着游泳; 'breast-/'back- ~; 俯泳 (仰泳) ,a fast/slow ~ (in rowing). (划船) 快划 (慢划) 。 3 (in a rowing crew) oarsman nearest the boat's stern who sets the rate of striking the oars. (划船诸桨手中的) 尾桨手 (最近船尾者,为主要划手,指挥并决定划船的速度) → 0 the illus at eight; 参看 eight 之插图; cbow (2). 4 single movement of the upper part of the body and arm(s), esp in games, eg cricket, golf. 身体上部及手臂的活动; (尤指) (板球、高尔夫等的) 一击; 一挥。 5 single effort; result of this: 一次努力; 一亥努力的结果: That was a good ~ of business. 那是一彖好买贞。 I haven't done a ~ of work today. 4 天我谅未动手工作。 What a ~ luck! What a piece of good fortune! 多幸运啊!真走运! 真是运气! a/one ~, with one effort and im mediately. 一举; 一气; 一鼓作气。 put sb off his ~, put off at put ,( 11). 6 (mark made by a) single movement of a pen or. brush: — 笔瘤画: with one ~ of the pen; 用笔一挥; thin/thick ~s. 细 (粗) 笔画。 7 sound made by a bell striking the hours: (报时的) 钟声;鸣 (钟) 声;敲击声: on the ~ of three, at three o'clock. 钟鸣三响; 三时正。 He was here on the ~, punctually at the time appointed. 他尊时到此。 8 sudden attack of illness in the brain, with loss of feeling, power to move, etc: 中风: a paralytic ~. 廉痪性中风。 → also sun ~ at sun (4 vt (pt, pp ~d) [VP6A] act as ~ (3) to. 充当…的尾桨手。




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