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单词 brim
brim/brɪm/ n vi [-mm-]

n (1) (杯、碗的)边缘(top edge of a cup bowl glass etc)[C]:The glass was full/filled to the~.杯子满了。Fill the glass to the~.把杯子倒满。The pool was full to the~with water.池子里漾满了水。〖同〗border,edge;

(2) 帽沿(edge of a hat that sticks out and gives shade and protection against rain)[C]:He pulled the~of his hat down over his eyes.他把帽沿拽下来挡住眼睛。

vi 满,盈(be or become full to the top edge)[I I+prep(with)]:Her eyes~med (over) with tears/mischief.她泪水盈眶/两眼露出淘气的神情。The cup~med (over) with coffee/water.杯子盛满了咖啡/水。a~ming cup of coffee (a cup~ming (over) with coffee) 一个盛满咖啡的杯子; He was~ming(over)with confidence/excitement/happiness/joy/high spirits/ideas.(fig)他信心十足/激动不已/十分幸福/快活得很/情绪高昂/主意极多。〖同〗fill,overflow;

brim over(v adv)满得要外溢(vi):She poured wine into a glass until it~med over.她把杯子斟满酒。(详见上面例证)

→′brimful, ′brimfull adj 盈满的





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