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单词 strike
释义 strike2 /straik; straik/ vt, vi (pt, pp struck) /strAk; strAk/ (also → stricken, above) (亦参看上列之 stricken) (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, → 17 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 17 义。) 1 [VP6A, 12C, 14, 2A, C, 3A] hit; give a blow or blows to; aim a blow at\\ 行; 击; 敲; 向…打击: He struck me on the chin (note use of def art). 他打在我的下巴上(注意须加定冠词)。 He struck the table with a heavy blow. 他童童地拍了一下桌子。 He struck his knee with his hand/struck his hand on his knee. 他以手拍击膝头。 He seized a stick and struck at me. M 抓起一根棍子向我打来。 W/to struck the first blow, started the fight? 谁先出手打人? The ship struck a rock. 该船触礁了。 That tree wqs struck by lightning. 那棵树被闪电击中了。 ~ at the root of sth, attack trouble, evil, etc at its source. 斩草除根; 除恶务尽; 彻底根绝。 S ~ while the iron is hot, (prov) Act promptly while action is likely to get results. (B) 打铁趁热。 a '/'striking force, military force ready to attack at short notice. 打击部队(可随时待命出破者)。 within 'striking distance, near enough to reach or attack easily. 在易达到或攻击范围内。 2 [VP6A, 2A] produce (a light) by striking or scraping: 借打或擦而产生(光亮): ~ sparks from a flint; 自爆右打出火花; ~ a match, cause it to burst into flame by scraping it on a surface; 擦燃火柴; ~ a light, produce one in this way. 擦(打)出亦关。 These matches are damp—they ~. 这些火柴潮湿了,擦不燃。 3 [VP6A] come upon, discover (by mining, drilling, etc): (借开矿、 钻探等而)发现; 找到: to ~ gold. 发现黄金。 ~ on. a discover oil by drilling. 借钻探而发现石油。 b (fig) have good fortune; find a means of getting rich. (喻)交到好运; 发横财; 发现致富的方法。 ~ 泽 rich, win wealth suddenly. 突然致富。 4 [VP6A, 2A] (cause to) sound: (K)发声; (使)鸣; (使)响: ~ Q chord on the piano. 弹一下钢琴。 This clock ~ the hours. 这钟每小时报房一支。 The clock has just struck (four). 这钟刚敲过(四下)。 The/His hour has struck, (fig) the critical moment has come or gone. (喻)他的)紧要关头已到(已过)。 ~ a note of, give an impression (of the kind indicated): 给予某种(指明的)感觉; 造成某种效果: The President struck a note of warning against over-optimism. 总统的话有警惕大家勿过分乐观的作用。 5 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (for/against), (of workers, etc) stop working for an employer (in order to get more pay, shorter hours, better conditions etc or as a protest against sth): (指工人等)(为要求增加工资,缩短工时,改善环境等而)罢工: ~ for higher pay/ against bad working conditions. 为要求增加工资(抗议恶劣工作环境)而罢工。 D strike ,⑴。 6 [VP6A, 16A] impress; have an effect upon the mind: 给予…感觉; 在心灵上产生某种效果; 造成某种印象: How does the idea/suggestion ~ you? 你对于那个主意 (建议)看法如何? The plan me as ridiculous. 我觉得那项计划很可笑。 What struck me (= The impression I had) was that he was not telling the truth. 就我的看法,他讲的不是真话。 idea suddenly struck me, came to me, with an immediate response. 我突然想到一个主意(忽然心生一计)。 7 [VP16B, or 2D with object and as omitted 或 2D 省略宾语及 as] have an effect on the body or mind: 对身体或心灵产生某种效果; 使身体或心灵感觉到: The room ~s you as warm and comfortable when you enter. 那房间你一进去就会感到温暖与舒适 oThe prison cell struck cold and damp, was felt as cold and damp by anyone entering it. 那牢房使人觉得阴冷而潮湿。 8 [VP6A] produce by stamping or punching: 镜造; 食制: ~ a coin/medal/medallion. 钻造钱币(纪念章,奖章)。 9 [VP6A] achieve, arrive at, by reckoning or weighing: 借计算或衡量而达到; 计算出; 衡量出: ~ an average; 算出平均数值; ~ a balance between anarchy and authoritarian rule/ between licence and repression. 在无政府主义与独裁统治之间(放纵与哒抑之间)找出中道。 ~ a bargain (with sb), reach one by agreement; conclude one. 某人)达成交易; 订定买卖合同。 1 。 [VP6A] come upon; find: 偶遇; 遇见; 金现: ~ the track/the right path. 发现踪迹(正确的路径)。 11 [VP2A, C] ~ (off/out), set out, go (in a certain direction): 出发; 行进; (向某一方向)走: We struck (off) (= turned and went) into the woods. 我们转入林中。 The boys struck (out) across the fields. 肃些男孩走过田野。 The explorers struck out (= started, set out) at dawn. 那些探险的人天一亮就出发了。 12 [VP22] cause (sb) to be, suddenly and as if by a single stroke: 使 (某人) 突然成为; 使 (某人) 突然变作: be struck blind/dumb/ silent. 突然瞎了 (哑了,沉默下来) 。 13 [VP14] ~ fear/ terror/alarm into sb, fill, afflict, with fear, etc: 使某人心起恐惧 (畏惧,警戒): Attila struck terror into the people of eastern Europe. 匈奴王阿提拉会令东欧人民胆寒。 The bombing attack struck fear into their hearts. 轰炸使他们心惊肉跳。 14 [VP6A] lower or take down (sails, tents). 落下; 取下; 扯下 (帆); 撤除 (帐篷) 。 ~ one's flag, lower it (as a signal that one surrenders a ship, fortress, etc to the enemy). 下旗 (交出船、堡垒等,向敌人投降的表征) 。 ~ tents/camp, pack up tents, etc. 捆扎帐篷莓; 拔营。 15 [VP6A] ~ a cutting, take a cutting from a plant and insert it in soil to ~ root. 插枝 (把插条种在泥土里) 。 ~ root, put out roots. 扎植; 生根。 16 [VP6A] hold or put the body in a certain way to indicate sth: 把身体摆成某种萎态; 采取; 装出; 摆出: ~ an attitude of defiance; 摆出一付藐视人的态度; ~ a pose. 采取某种姿势。 17 [VP2C, 3A, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): strike sb down, (formal) hit him so that he falls to the ground; (of a disease, etc) attack him: (正式用语) 把某人打倒在地上; (指疾病等) 侵袭某人: He was struck down in the prime of life, eg of sb who was assassinated. 他正値盛年即被打倒 (如遭暗杀) 。 strike sth off, a cut off with a blow, eg of an axe. 将某物砍掉或切除等 (如用斧头) 。 b print: 印刷: ~ off 1000 copies of a book. 将一本书印一 4 本。 ~ sth off (sth), remove: 删祸: ~ sb's name off a list. 将某人的名字从名单上删除。 The doctor's name was struck off the Medical Register t was cancelled, eg because of professional misconduct. 那医师的名字已从医师录上删除 (如因职业上的过失) 。 strike on/upon sth, get or find suddenly or unexpectedly: 突然得到或发现: ~ on an idea/a plan. 突然想起一个主意 (计划) 。 strike out, a use the arms and legs vigorously in swimming: (以手臂和腿) 用力游:~。如 for the shore. 用力游向岸边。(bj aim vigorous blows: 用力打击: He lost his temper and struck out wildly. 他大发脾气,疯狂地出手打人。 (C) follow a new or independent path, a new form of activity: 走一条新的或独立的路线; 采取新的行为方式; 独树一帜; 创新格局: ~ out on one's own/in a new direction. 自谋生计 (另求发展) 。 ~ sth out/through. cross out, put a line or lines through: 删除; 划去; 涂去: ~ out a word/name/item. 删捕一孚 (一曲名字, 一个项目) 。 、 strike (sth) up, begin to play: 开始演奏等: The band struck up (a tune). 乐队开始演奏 (一曲) 。 ~ up sth (with sb), begin (perhaps casually) a friendship or acquaintance: 南始 (也许是偶然地) (与某人) 结交或认识: The two boys quickly struck up a friendship. 这两个男孩子很快就熟悉起来了。 She struck up an acquaintance with a fellow passenger during the cruise. 那次 (乘船) 旅行她结交了一位向船的旅客。




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