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单词 stretch
释义 stretch /stretj; stretj/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 16A, 22] make wider, longer or tighter, by pulling; be or become wider, etc when pulled: 伸展; 张开; 拉长; 拉紧; 扩大: ~ a rope tight; 把绳子拉紧; ~ a rope across a path; 拉编横越道路; ~ a pair of gloves/shoes, eg to make them fit better; 撑开手套(畦字); ~ one's neck, eg to see oyer the heads of people in a crowd; 伸长脖子(如在人丛中从旁人头上看过去); ~ one's arms/legs/oneself/ one's muscles, extend the limbs, etc and thus tighten the muscles; 伸臂(伸腿; 伸展身体; 伸展肌肉); ~ out one's arm for a book. 伸出手臂去季一本书。 ~ one's legs, exercise oneself by walking as a relief from sitting or lying. 散步; 走动以舒展身体。 2 ~ (oneself) out (on), lie on at full length: 直躺: They -were ~ed out on the lawn. 他们(被打倒) 言躺在草地上。 He ~ed himself out on the beach. 他直躺在海议上。 3 [VP6A] make (a word, law, etc) include or cover more than is strictly right; exert beyond what is right: 不当地引伸(字义、法律等); 滥用; 曲解: ~ the law/one's principles/ a point in sb's favour, cpoint'(9); 曲解法律(原则,某一点等以利某人); strain to the utmost: 尽力地使用、努力、拉扯等 ~ o”e,s powers, work very hard or too hard. 非常或过度努力地工作。 be fully ~ @d, working to the utmost of one's powers. 竭尽所能; 全力以赴。 4 [VP2A, B, C] extend: 延伸; 绵亘: forests ~ing for hundreds of miles; 绵亘数百哩的森林; a road ~ing away across the desert. 穿越沙漠的道路。口 “ [C] 1 act of ~ing or being ~ed: 伸展; 张开; 拉长; 拉紧; 损大; 滥用; 曲解: by a ~ of language / the law / one's principles, jfi 用语言(法律,某人的原则)。 → 3 above, 参看上列第 3 义。 The cat woke and gave a 那只猫醒过弃伸伸懒腰。 He got up with a ~ and a yawn. 他站起来伸伸懒腰,打个呵欠。 by 'any/'no ~ of the imagination, however much one may try to imagine sth. 无论怎么推想。 at full ~. fully ~ed!(3): 尽力而为“ The factory was/ The workers were at full IW 全力生产(工人们全力工作)。 2 unbroken or continuous period of time or extent jof country, etc: 连续的期间; 绵亘的乡野;伸延的空间 a beautiful ~ of wooded country; 一大片美鼻而有林木的乡野;(si) (俚) do a two-year ~ in prison. 坐牢两牟。 at a ~ ,continuously: 连续不断地: Can you vork for six hours at a ~? 你能连续工作六小时吗? 3 straight side of a track or course (for racing). (跑道的)直线部分; 直边。~er n 1 framework of poles, canvas, etc for carrying a sick, injured or wounded person. (抬伤患用的)担架;舁床。 '~er-bearer n person who helps to carry a ~er. 抬担架者。 '~er-party n number of persons with ~ers (to carry an injured or wounded person). 担架队。 2 device for ~ing things (eg gloves, shoes). (撑物用的)撑具; 撑架; 伸张器。




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