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单词 stock
释义 stock1 /stok; stak/ n 1 [C, U] store or goods available for sale, distribution or use, esp goods kept by a trader or shopkeeper. (尤每商人所保有的) 储积品; 存货; 现货。 (be) in/out of be avail-able/not available: 有 (无) 现货或存货 The book is in/out of ~. 该书有 (无) 存货。 Have you any linen sheets in ~? 你有没有亚麻布被单存货? ‘ ~- list n list of goods, etc available. 存 (现) 货清单。 '~-room n room in which ~ is kept. 贮藏虫。 take ~, examine and make a list of goods in ~; 盘点存货; 清点存货; Hence, 由此产生,, ~-taking n 盘 (点) 春 (货 ) : The annual ~-taking starts tomorrow, eg ih a draper's shop, 每年一度的盘存明天开始 (如布店 )。 take ~ of sth/sb, (fig) review (a situation); estimate (sb's abilities, etc). (喻) 检讨 (情势); 估计 (某人的能力等); 鉴定。 ~-in-,trade n [U] everything needed for a trade or occupation. 生财; 营业或职业需要的全部用具。 2 (attrib use, from 1 above) usually kept in ~ (and therefore usually obtainable) : (形容用法,来自上面第 1 义) 通常备有的; 通常可获得的: ~ sizes in hats; 常备的帽子尺荐; commonly or regularly used; hackneyed: 通常或经常使用的; 平常的; 陈腐的: ~ arguments/com-parisons; 陈腐的论点 (比较); ~ questions/answers. 常遇见的问题 (回答) 。 She's tired of her husband's ~ jokes. 她已听厌了她丈夫所说的那些陈腐的俏皮话。 ~company, company of actors who have a ~ (or repertoire) of plays which they perform. 备妥若干随时可上演的剧目的剧团。 3 [C, V] supply of anything: 贮存备用的任何事物; 贮积; 储蓄: a good ~ of information; 见闻丰富; get in ~s of coal and coke for the winter. 购进煤炭和焦炭以备过多。 ' ~- piling n purchase (esp by a Government) of ~s of raw materials or goods not easily available from local sources (eg tin, rubber, needed in war). 物资贮备 (尤指政府购进原料或当地不易获得之物资,如战时所需之锡、橡胶等) 。 4 [U] ('live-) ~, farm animals. 家畜。 'fat ~, ~ fit for slaughter as food: (适于屠宰供会用的) 肥家畜: fat- ~ prices. 肥家畜的价 '■ breeder/farmer n farmer who breeds or raises cattle. 板畜菜者。 '~car n (US) railway truck for carrying cattle. (美) 运输家畚的火车施厢。 '~car racing n racing of ordinary models of motor-cars as sold generally. 普通型妄 (非跑车) 的汽车竞赛。 '~.yard n enclosure where cattle are kept temporarily, eg at a market, or before being slaughtered. 临时关家畜的围栏 (如市场上或屠宰场上者) o 5 [C, U] money lent to a government in return for interest; shares in the capital of a business company: 公债; 股票: have £5000 in the ~ $, 有五千镑公债券; invest one's money in a safe 投资于可弄的股票。 '~broker n man whose business is the buying and selling of ~(s). 证券经纪人。 ' ~ exchange n place where ~s and shares are publicly bought and sold. 证券交易所。 -holder n (chiefly US) shareholder. (主美) ~-jobber n member of a ~ exchange from whom a ~broker buys and to whom he sells. 股票批发商 (与股票经纪人做买卖者) 。 list n publication with current prices of ~ s (5) and shares. 证券行情表。 6 [U] line of ancestry: 家系; 世系; 血衮; 祖羌; : a woman of Irish ~ /of Puritan/farming, etc ~. 一位有夔尔兰血统 (有清教徒世系,租先务农等) 的女子。 7 ~s and stones, lifeless things. 木石; 无生命之物。 ,■ 'still adv motionless. 静止的; 不勤的。 'laughing—, target or object of ridicule, 笑柄; 嘲笑的对象。 8 [U] raw material ready for manufacture: 原料; 并有: 'paper ~, ,eg rags, etc to be made into paper. 造纸原料。 9 [U] liquid in which bones, etc have been stewed; juices of meat and vegetables, used for making soup, gravy, etc. (骨头等炖成的) 原汤; (做汤等用之) 肉汁; 菜汁; 汤料。 '~cube n cube of dehydrated ~. (经过脱水之) 粒状汤料。 '~fish n fish (esp cod) split open and dried in the air without salt, a staple food in some countries, (g) 鱼干 (剖开除去内腋,风干,不加盐,为某些国家之主要食物) 。 '~pot n one in which ~ (9) is made or stored. 汤茧。 10 [C] base, support, or handle of an instrument, tool, etc: (仪器、器具等的) 基部; 支撑; 把手: the ~ of a rifle/plough/ whip; 步枪枪托 (犁柄; 糠子的把手); the ~ of an anchor, the crossbar. 错杆。 lock, ~ and barrel, (fig) completely, (喻) 完全地; 整个地。 11 [C] lower part of a tree trunk. 树干的下部; 根茎。 12 [C] growing plant into which a graft is inserted. (插入接木的) 台木; 本干。 13 (pl) framework supporting a ship while it is being built or repaired. (复) 造船台; 修船架。 tn the ~s, under construction; in . preparation. 在建造中; 在准备中; 在需画中。 14 (pl) wooden framework with holes for the feet in which wrongdoers were formerly locked in a sitting position. (复) 足枷; 足械 (昔日的刑具) 。 15 [C] wide band of stiff linen worn around the neck by men in former times (like the modern tie). (昔日男子颈间围的) 硬领 (如同现代男人结领带) 。 16 sort of garden plant with single or double brightly coloured sweet-smelling flowers. 紫罗兰花 (园艺植物之一种) 。




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