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单词 stem
释义 stem1 /stem; stem/ n 1 part of a plant coming up from the roots; part of a leaf, flower or fruit that joins it to the main stalk or twig, (植物的) 茎; 干; 叶柄; 花梗; 果柄。 → the illus at flower. 参看 flower 之插图。 ~med suff (with adj) (与形容词连用) Jong-' ~ med, isho , ~ med, jhick-' ~ med, having long, short, thick, ~s. 长茎 (干,柄,梗等) 的,短茎 (干,柄,梗等) 的,粗茎 (干,柄,梗等) 的。 2 ~shaped part, eg the slender part of a wineglass, between the base and the bowl, the part of a tobacco pipe between the mouthpiece and the bowl. 茎状麻务; 杯 (子的) 脚; 烟斗杆等。 3 root or main part of a noun or verb from which other words are made by additions (esp inflectional endings). (名词或动词的) 语干 (可衍生其他字的主体部分) 。 4 main upright timber at the bow of a ship. 船首; 船头; 船首村; 船首柱。 from ~ to stern, throughout the whole length of a ship. 从船首到船尾。 vi (-mm-) [VP3A] ~ from, arise from; have as origin. 发生; 源于; 来自。




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