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单词 steam
释义 steam /sti: m; stim/ n [U] 1 gas or vapour into which boiling water changes; power obtained from ~: 蒸汽; 水气; 蒸汽产生的动力: ~-covered widows; 布满水气的窗子; a building heated by 借蒸汽取暖的建汇物。 The ship was able to proceed under her own ~, using her own engines and not needing to be towed. 那条船可借其本身的蒸汽动力前进 (无须拖船曳进) 。 Full ~ ahead! order to go forward at full speed. (命令) 全速前进! get up/ raise ~, provide ~ at a higher pressure in the boilers, etc: 提高或增加 (锅炉等里的) 蒸汽哒力: The stokers got up 火夫增加了蒸汽的压力。 2 (fig uses; colloq) energy. (比喻用法; 俗) 能力; 精力。 get up ~, collect one's energy; become excited or angry. 振作; 奋发; 激动; 发怒。 let off ~, release surplus energy or emotion; become less excited. 发泄过剩的精力或激动的情绪: 变得不太激动。 run out of ~, become exhausted: 变得筋疲力竭; 耗尽: Is there a danger of the housing programme running out of ~, losing its impetus? 住宅兴建计划有半途而废的总险吗? under one's own ~, without help from others. 凭一己之力; 不靠别人之帮助。 3 (compounds) (复合字) , ~-boat n vessel propelled by 汽船。 ,■—'boiler n vessel in which ~ is generated (to work an engine). 蒸汽锅炉。~ brake/hammer/whistle/winch, etc n worked by ~ 蒸汽煞车 (汽锤,汽笛,汽绞盘等) 。 .—'coal n coal used for heating in ~-boilers. 汽锅用溪。' engine n locomotive or stationary engine worked or driven by pressure of ~. 蒸汽机。 'heat n heat given out by ~ from radiators, pipes, etc. 汽热。 a vt: —heated buildings, kept warm by ~-heat. 借蒸汽取暧的建筑物。 ~ 'radio n (sl) sound broadcasting (contrasted with TV). (英俚) 声音广播; 无线电广播 (为电视之对) 疽 ~ roller n heavy, slow-moving locomotive with wide wheels used in roadmaking. 蒸汽蟋路机; 汽幄。 vt [VP6A] crush as with a —roller: (似用蒸汽压路机般) 压平; 粉碎: ~~ roller all opposition. 粉碎一切反对 ' ( 力量) 。 '~ship n ship driven by ~. 汽船; 轮船。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] give out ~ or vapour: 蒸发; 冒蒸汽: ~ing hot coffee. 冒汽的热咖啡。 The kettle was ~ing (away) on the stove. 水壶在烧子上冒汽。 2 [VP2C] move, work, etc under (or as if under) the power of ~: 籍 (或似籍) 蒸汽力量行驶,运转等: a ship ~ing up the Red Sea; 航行于红海的船; ~ at ten knots. 以每小时十浬的速隹航行。 The train ~ed into the station. 火车驶入车站。 3 [VP6A, 22] cook, soften, clean, by the use of ~: 蒸; 蒸软; 用蒸汽清除或清洗: ~ fish; 蒸鱼; ~ open an envelope, use steam to soften the gum on the flap. 用蒸汽 (软化封口的胶而) 开启信封。 4 ~ up, become misty with condensed ~: 因凝结的蒸汽而变模糊不清: The windows ~ed up. 窗户蒙上一层蒸汽。 be/get (all) ~ed up. (colloq) become excited and perhaps violent: (俗) 变得激动、兴奋、愤怒等: Now don't get all ~ed up over nothing! 不要无缘无故地发脾气啾! ~er n 1 ~ ship. 轮船; 汽船。 2 vessel in which food is cooked by being ~ed. 蒸煮器; 蒸笼。 ~y adj of, like, full of, ~: 蒸汽的; 像蒸汽的; 充满蒸汽的: ~y windows; 水气朦胧的窗子; the ~y heat of the rainy season in the tropics. 热带两季潮湿的闷热。




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