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单词 stay
释义 stay1 /stei; ste/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, B, C, 4A] be, remain, continuously in a place or condition (for a long or short time, permanently or temporarily, as specified by the context): 停留; 逗饥待在或保持某种情况或位置(长期或短期,永久或暂时,由上下文指明):, ~ 1 the house/at home/in bed; 待在房子里(家里,床上); ~ (= be a guest) at a hotel/ with friends. 住在旅馆里(朋友家里)。 I'm too busy to ~ /I can't ~, I must leave now. 我太忙,不能再待亍(我必须走了)。 I can only ~ a few minutes. 我只能待几分钟。 I ~ed to see what would happen. 我留下来看进一步的发展。 Why don't you ~ with us (as a guest) when you next visit Oxford? 你下次到牛津来, 住在我们这里好吗? Jenny's ~ing in Dublin (eg at a hotel, or with friends) for a few weeks, but she now lives/is living (→ has her home) in Belfast. 珍妮目前在都柏林暂住几个星期,但她的家是在贝尔发斯特。 ~ for (an event/meal); ~ to (a meal), remain for it: 为(某件事或一餐饭) 而留下; 留下来(吃饭): Won't you ~ for/to supper? 你不留下来吃晚饭吗? ~ in. a not go outdoors: 木出门; 待在蒙里: The doctor advised me to ~ in for a few days. 医生劝我在家里待几天。 b remain in school after hours: 放学后留在学校: The teacher made the boy ~ in and do his exercises again. 老师命该男生留在学校重做他的练习。 ~ out, a remain outdoors ; 待在外面;待在户外: Tell the children they mustn't ~ out after dark. 吿诉孩子们天黑以后不可待在外面。 b remain on strike: 继续罢工: The miners ~ed out for several weeks. 反工们罢工达数周之久。 ~ P,not go to bed: 不就寝; 熬夜: I ~ed up reading until midnight. 我读书一直读到午夜才 U, I'll be late home, but please don't ~ up for me. 我要晚一点才能回家,请不用等门。 be .here to ' ~; have .come to ' ~,(colloq) be permanent: (俗)持久; 继续流行; 变成根深蒂固: I hope that the principle of equality of opportunity for men and women has come to ~ /is here to ~. 我希望男女机会平等的原则能持久。 come to ~ (with sb), (of a person) visit sb (is temporarily); start to live with sb (ie permanently): 到某人处小住; 开始与某人长住: Sue is coming to ~ for a week next month. 苏下月来住一个星期。 Since my wife's mother came to ~ with us last year, the TV has been on more or less continuously. 自从去年我的岳母来与我们同住,电视几乎没有停过。 '~-at-home n person who seldom goes anywhere; unadventurous person, 甚少离家外出的人; 不喜出远门的人。 2 [VP2C] continue in a certain state: 继续保持某种状态; 维持; 保持: ~single, not marry. 不结婚; 保持单身。 That fellow never ~ sober for long, frequently gets drunk, 那像伙经常烂醉(难得清醒)。 ~ put, (colloq) remain where placed: (俗)待在原处; 停留在原处: I wish this earring would ~ put instead of falling out every time. 我希望这宿耳环箍紧,不要老是掉下来。 3 [VP6A] stop, delay, postpone, check: 停止; 延缓; 延后; 制止: ~ the progress of a disease; 防止疾为恶化; ~ one's hand, refrain from doing sth; 住圭(抑制不做某事); ~ (=delay) judgement/proceedings. 值迟木作评断(拖延诉讼程序)。 4 [VP2A, 6A] be able to continue (work, etc); show endurance: 能够继续(工 - 作等); 如示耐 jj: The horse lacks ' ~ing power. 这鸢缺乏富力。 ~ the course, be able to continue to the end of the racef (fig) the struggle, etc. 跑完全程; (喻)坚持到底。 5 (usu in imper; archaic or lit) pause: (通常用于祈使句中; 古或文)停止; 停下: S~! (= Stop!) You've forgotten your overcoat! 等一下! 你忘了你的大衣! 6 [VP6A] satisfy for a time: 暂时满足; 满足一时: have a sandwich to ~ one's hunger. 屹一块三函治哒饥。 n 1 period of ~ing; visit: 停留; 逗留; ■ 客: make a short ~ in Karachi; 在喀拉蚩作短暂停留; a fortnight's ~ with my rich uncle. 到我那有钱的叔父家做客两星期。 2 (legal) delay; postponement. (法律) 延迟; 延缓; 延后拓止。 ~ of execution, order that a court judgement need not be carried out for the time being. 延缓执行 (某一法庭裁决) 。 ~er n person or animal able to ~ (4): 有耐力的人或动物: The horse that won the race is a good ~er. 获胜的那匹马是一匹很有耐力的马。




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