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单词 station
释义 station /'steifn; 'stejan/ n [C] 1 place, building, etc where a service is organized and provided: (提供某种服务的) 站,所,台等: 'bus/po'lice/'broad-casting/'radar/ 'fire- ~. 公车站 (警察派出所; 广播电台; 雷达站; 消防队) 。 2 [U] position, or relative position, to be taken up or maintained by sb/ sth: (人或物所采取、占据或保持的) 地位; 位置; 相对或相关的位 Bt: One of the cruisers was out of ~, not in its correct position relative to other ships. 有一艘巡洋舰未在其编队位置。 3 stopping-place for railway trains; the buildings, offices, etc, connected with it: 火车站; 火车站的建筑物、办公室等: a 'goods ~, one for merchandise. 货物站。 ' ~- master n man in charge of a railway (铁路的) 站长。 4 social position, rank: 社会地位、身份等; 职分. people in all ~s of life. 社会各阶层人士。 5 (Australia) (usu extensive) sheep or cattle ranch. (澳州) (通常指大的) 牧场; 牧羊 (或牛) 场。 6 military or naval base; those living there. 陆 (海) 军基地; 驻扎基地人员。 7 S— s of the Cross, fourteen crosses, usu with images telling the story of the sufferings and death of Jesus, for religious devotions, set up in a church or along a path. (置于敎堂中或道路旁供人膜拜之) 十四幅耶稣受难像。 8 '~-wagon n (US) estate car. (K) 旅行幡车。 cestate (5). vt [VP6A, 15A] put (sb, oneself, a military or naval force, etc) at or in a certain place: 安置; 配置; 置 (某人、自己、一支军队等) 于某处: The detective ~ed himself among the bushes, hid there, 那侦探蔵身于矮丛中。 HMS Tiger has been ~ed at Hong Kong for the last two years. 英国皇家军鉴“老虎号”派驻香港已有两年。




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