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单词 standard
释义 standard /'stasndad; 'staendvd/ n 1 distinctive flag, esp one to which loyalty is given or asked: 旗; 旗帜; 旗标 (尤指拥有或要求効忠的标志): the royal ~, eg as flown to show that the Queen is in residence. 王室旗标 (如悬出以示女王驻辉处) 。 raise the ~ of revolt, (fig) begin a struggle and call for support. (喻) 翁竿希起。 '~-bearer n person who carries a ~; (fig) prominent leader in a cause. 掌旗者; (喻) 卓越的领导者。 2 (often attrib) sth used as a test or measure for weights, lengths, qualities or for the required degree of excellence: (常作形容用法) 标准; 基准; 模范; 水准; 规范: the ~ yard/pound, etc; 标准码 (磅等); ~ weights and measures; 标准度量衡; Me ~ of height required for recruits to the police force; 招募警察人员所需要的身高标准; set a high ~ for .candidates in an examination; 为参加考试人员规定一项高的录取标准; conform to the ~s of society, live and behave as society expects; (生活) 合于社会的规范; a high ~ of living, one with plenty of material comforts, etc; 商的生活水准; 。 high moral ~; 崇高的道德标准; ~ authors, accepted as good. 够水准的作家。 be up to/below ~, be equal to/not so good as, what is normal, required, etc: 虫 (未达) 到标准: Their work is not up to 他们的工作未达到标准。 ~time, time officially adopted for a country or part of it. 标准时间。 3 (former) grade of classification in primary schools (now usu class') : (昔) 小学的年级 (现通常用 class): boys in S ~ One. 小学一年级的男生。 4 monetary ~, proportion of weight of fine metal and alloy in gold and silver coin. 金银硬币中之纯金银与合金的比例; (货币的) 法定纯分; 纯度基准。 the gold ~, system by which the value of money is based on that of gold. 金本位商。 abandon/go off the gold ~, abandon such a system. 放弃金本位制。 5 (often attrib) upright support; pole or column; vertical water- or gas-pipe. (常作形容用法) 直立的支持物; 支柱; 垂直的水管或煤气管。 '~lamp, lamp on a tall support with its base on the floor. 落地灯。 6 tree or shrub that has been grafted on an upright stem (contrasted with a bush or climbing plant): 接枝于直干上的树或灌木 (与矮丛或学缘植物相对): ~ roses. 接枝在直立树干上的玫瑰。




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