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单词 stake
释义 stake /steik; stek/ n [C] 1 strong, pointed length of wood or metal (to be) driven into the ground as a post (eg for a fence) or as a support for sth, eg plants, young trees. 桩; 代; 日。 2 post, as used in olden times, to which a person was tied before being burnt to death as a punishment (for heresy): (昔时的) 火刑柱 (处死宗敎异端者): condemned to the ~; 被判处火刑 j; suffer at the ~. 在火刑柱上受苦。 go to the ~, be burned at the ~; (fig) suffer the consequences of an ill-advised action. 被处以火刑; (喻) 因行为卤莽而受苦。 3 sum of money risked on the unknown result of a future event, eg a horse-race; interest or concern (in sth); sum of money invested in an enterprise: 赌注; 赌金; 利害关系; 关心; 投于某一企业的金额; 投资: He has a ~ in the country, is concerned in its welfare, is interested in its prosperity, etc (eg because he is a landowner). 他关心农村的情形 (例如因为他是地主) 。 at ~, to be won or lost; risked, depending, upon the result of sth: 得失攸关; 濒胜败关头; 处危险境地: (fig) (喻) His reputation/His life itself was at 他面临身败名裂的危险 (他有生命危险) 。 '~-holder n person with whom ~s are deposited until the result is known. 赌金保管者。 4 (pl) money to be contended for, esp in a horse-race; such a race: (复) (尤指赛马的) 奖金; (有奖金的) 赛马: the trial at Newmarket, 新市泰马的预赛。 vr 1 [VP6A] support with a ~: 以桩或枚支撑: ~ newly planted trees. 以桁支撑新栽的树。 2 [VP6A, 15B] ~ sth (out/off), mark (an area) with ~s: 以桩区分或界分 (地区): ~ out a claim (to land in a new country, etc; also fig). 用桩标出地权界限 (亦作比喻用法) 。 3 [VP6A, 14] ~ sth on sth, risk (money, one's hopes, etc): 赌; 以 (金钱,希望等) 下注: ~ £5 on the favourite, eg in a horse-race. 以五镑下注于被看好的马。 I'd ~ my all/my life on it, am very confident about it. 我愿意拿我的一切 (生命) 打赌 (我极有把握) 。




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