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单词 stair
释义 stair /stea (r); ster/ n [C] (any one of a) series of fixed steps leading from one floor of a building to another. 楼梯; 梯级。 cdownstairs, upstairs. The child was sitting on the bottom ~.4 祝孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上。 She always runs up/down the ~s. 她总跑着上 (下) 楼。 I passed her on the ~s. 我在楼梯上通见她。 below ~s, in the basement of a house (in large houses, formerly the part used by servants): 在一憧房屋的地下室 (昔为仆人住处) Their affairs were being discussed below ~s, by the servants. 他们的事情正在仆人之间谈论着。 - flight of ~s, a set of ~s in a continuous line, or from one landing, eg halfway between two floors, to another. (K 楼间或两拐弯高度间,成一直行的) 一段楼梯。 at the foot/head of the ~s, at the bottom/top of a flight of ~s. 在一段楼梯的底部 (顶端) 。 '~-carpet n strip of carpet for laying on ~s. 梯毯 (条状地毯,铺于梯阶上) 。 ~rod n rod for keeping a ~-carpet in the angle between two steps. 梯毯夹条 (压在二梯级转角处,以固定梯毯) 。 ' ~- case n series of ~s (often with banisters) inside a building: 楼梯 (指室内者,常有扶栏): Many old Edinburgh houses have spiral ~ cases, ie winding round a central pillar. 爱丁堡的许多古老房屋有螺旋梯。 '~way n ~ ~ case.




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