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单词 stagger
释义 stagger /'staega (r); 'staeg/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] walk or move unsteadily (from weakness, a heavy burden, drunkenness, etc): 蹒跚; 摇摆 (因衰弱、 负重、酒醉等): The man ~ed along/to his feet/ across the room/from side to side of the road. 那人摇摇晃晃地走 (摇摆地站起来,瞒跚地走过房间; 摇晃着横过道路) 0 2 [VP6A] (of a blow or shock) cause to walk or move unsteadily; (of news, etc) shock deeply; cause worry or confusion to: 函打击或震惊) 使瞒册; 使摇摆; (指新闻等) 使惊愕; 使对 … 担心或不知所措: receive a ~ing blow. 受到使人摇摇晃晃的打击。 I was ~ed to hear/on hearing/when 1 heard who the group's leader was. 慝到谁是那个团体的领导人时,我感到十分震惊。3 [VP6A] arrange (times of events) so that they do not all occur together: 错开 (事情的时间): ~ office hours, so that employees are not all using buses, trains, etc, at the same time; 错开办公时间; ~ the annual holidays. 错开年假。 n 1 (sing) ~ing movement. (单数) 蹒跚; 摇摆。 2 the ~s, giddiness; nervous disease of cattle and horses, marked by ~ing. 家畜晕倒病;愿跚病。~er n




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