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单词 stage
释义 stage /steidj; stedj/ n 1 (in a theatre) raised platform or structure of boards on which the actors appear. (戏院的) 舞台。 2 the ~, theatrical work; the profession of acting in theatres. 戏剧工作; 蓟业; 痴坛” be/go on the ~, be/become an actor or actress. 普演员。 craft n [U] skill or experience in writing or directing plays. 编剧及导'演南技巧或经验。direction n printed direction in a play to actors about their positions, movements, etc. 舞台指导 (剧本中有关演员位置、动作等的说明) 。 'door n entrance at the back of a theatre, used by actors and workmen. 舞台后门 (戏院的后门, 供演员及工作人员使用) 。 ' ~ fright n [U] nervousness felt when facing an audience. 楼场 (面对观众或听众时所感到的紧张) 。 ~ manager n person who superintends the production of a play, supervises the rehearsals, etc. 舞台监督。 '— struck adj having a strong desire to become an actor or actress. 渴望做演员的。 ,~-'whisper n whisper that is meant to be overheard. 存心叫人听见的私语; 舞台低语。 3 (fig) scene of action; place where events occur. (喻) (活动的) 场所; (事件发生的) 现场。 4 point, period or step in development: 发展的程度、时期、阶段、步骤等: at an early ~ in our history. 在我们历史发展的早期。 The baby .has reached the 'talking ~, is learning to talk. 这婴儿已到达学话的阶段。 5 any of two or more successive periods on the journey of a rocket vehicle when one part has been jettisoned: 火箭的节; 火箭飞行途中依次脱离其环节的步寐: a multi- ~ rocket. 多节火箭; 要经过数次脱离步骤的火箭。 6 journey, distance, between two stopping-places along a road or route; such a stopping-place: 一程; 一段路; 站; 驿: travel by easy ~s, for only a short distance at a time, 分段从容旅行。 '~ (-coach) n (hist) horse-drawn public vehicle carrying passengers (and often mail) along a regular route. (史) 驿 (马) 车。 'fare-~ n section along the route of a bus or tram for which there is a fixed fare. (公车或电车) 车资固定的路段。 7 structure with tiers or shelves, eg for plants. 台架 (如花架等) 。 → also staging below, and landing - ~ at landing. vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put on the ~⑴; put before the public: 搬上舞台; 上演: ~ ’Hamlet'; 上演'哈姆雷特'; (fig) arrange to take place dramatically. (喻) 使 (某事) 戏剧性地发生。 ~ s 'come-back, come back (to a sport, eg to the boxing ring) from retirement or after having failed. 安排或准备东山再起 (如已退休或被击败的拳击手重返拳坛) 。 2 [VP2C] ~ well/ badly, (of a drama) be well/badly suited for the theatre. (指剧本) 适于 (不适于) 上演。




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