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单词 staff
释义 staff /sto: f US: stsef; staef/ n 1 strong stick used as a support when walking or climbing, or as a weapon; (now usu fig): (用作身体支持初,或用作武器的) 棍; 杖; 棒; (现通常作比喻用法): the - of life, bread. 面包。 He is the ~ of my old age, eg a son who supports his old father, 他是我老年的依恃 (如奉养老父的儿子) 。 2 such a ~ as a sign of office or authority: 权杖; 权标: a pastoral ~, eg an ornamental one carried by or before a bishop, etc. 牧杖 (主敎等所携或持于主敎之前的饰杖) 。 3 pole serving as a support: 竿; 支柱: a 'flag ~. 旗宰。 4 group of assistants working together under a manager or head: (辅佐首长的) 全体职员; (某一首脑下面的) 全体工作人员: the headmaster and his ~, ie the teachers; 校长及全 t 敎师; 'office- ~; 办公人员; he on the ~. 为正式职员。 A large ~ (collective n, sing v) of advisers has been employed for the President. 总统已任用许多顾问 (staff 为集合名词,用单数动词) 。 The school ~ (= Members of the ~, pl v) are expected to supervise school meals. 学校的敎职员应监督学校的膳食 (staff 视为复数,用复数动词) 。 ' ~- office, personnel office. 人事室。 cpersonnel. 5 group of senior army officers engaged in planning and organization: (军) 参谋; 幕僚; 参谋部: the General S~; 参谋本部; (at-trib) (形容用法) ' ~ officers. 参谋; 参谋军官。 6 (music) (pl staves) /'steivz; stevz/ set of five parallel lines on or between which notes ate placed to indicate their pitch. (音乐) 五线谱。 → the illus at notation. 参看 notation 乏插图。 vt [VP6A] provide with, act as, a ~ (4): 供以人员; 预备职员或幕僚; 充当职员或幕僚:~a new school; 预备一个新期位由人员; a well- ~ed hotel/hospital; 人员充足的旅馆 (医院); an under- ~ed office. 人员不足的机关。




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