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单词 squirt
释义 squirt /skwxt; skwt/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] (of liquid, powder) force out, be forced out, in a thin stream or jet: (指液体, 粉末) 迸出; 喷出: ~ soda-water into a glass. 把汽水倒在玻璃杯中。 The water ~ed all over me. 水畋了我一身。 n 1 thin stream or jet (of liquid, powder, etc). (液体、物末等的) 喷射; 喷射的液体或粉末。 2 sth from which liquid, etc can be ~ed, eg a syringe, as a child-s toy. 喷射液体等的器具; 注射器; 喷射器; (儿童玩的) 水枪。 3 (colloq, as a term of abuse) insignificant but self-assertive person. (俗,用作骂人话) 夜郞自大的人。




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