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单词 square
释义 square2 /skwea(r); skwer/ n [C] 1 plane figure with four equal sides, and four right angles, ie . 正方形。 S the illus at quadrilateral. 参看 quadrilateral 去插图。 back to ~ one, (from the use of ~s on board games, played by throwing dice, and with penalties for certain numbered ~s) back to the starting-point and forced to start again. 回到出发点; 被迫重新开始 (起源于郷骰子玩的方块戏,方块上带号码, 遇到某些号码时须受罚) 。 2 anything having the shape of a ~. 方形物。 3 foursided open area, eg in a town, used as a garden or for recreation, or one enclosed by streets and buildings: (城市等中的) 广场; 方场: listening to the band playing in the ~. 聆息广场上乐队的演奏。 'barrack ~ n such an open space in a military barracks. 营房中的广场或操场。 '~-bashing (sl) military drill (esp marching, etc). (俚) 军事训练 (尤指行军等) 。 4 buildings and streets surrounding a ~ (3): 广杨四周的建筑及街道: He lives at No 95 Russell S~. 他住在罗素广场九十五号。 5 block of buildings bounded by four streets; distance along one side of such a block (the word block being more usu, esp US (四周有街道的) 街区; 街区一面的距离 (block 较常用,尤其在美国) 。 6 result when a number or quantity is multiplied by itself: 平方; 自乘; 二次暮: The of 7 is 49. 7 的平方是 49。 What is the ~ of x'? x' 的自乘是什么? 7 L-shaped or ('T- ~)T-shaped instrument for drawing or testing right angles. 曲尺; 丁字尺; 短尺; 直角规。 out of ~, not at right angles. 木成直角的 (地); 不正的 (地) 。 8 on the ~, fair (iy), honest (ly): 正直的 (地); 公平的 (地); 诚实的 (地): Can we trust them to act on the ~ ? 我们能信赖他们处事公正吗? Is their business on the ~? 他们做生意规矩吗? 9 body of infantry drawn up in a ~ form. 步典的方阵。 10 'word ~, number of words arranged so that they read alike forwards and downwards. 纵横字谜; 字阵游戏 (方格内填入字母,纵横方向可组合成相向之字) 。 11 (sl) person (considered to be) out of touch with new ideas, styles, etc: (俚) 与新的观念、风尙等脱节的人; 老古板; 旧派人物: I m not even a I'm a cube! I'm rigidly conventional and old-fashioned. 说我是旧派人物还嫌不够, 我是旧派中的旧派人物。




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