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单词 square
释义 square3 /skwes(r); skwer/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] make square; give a square shape to. 使盘方形。 ~ the circle, attempt sth that is impossible. 尝试做不可磨的事; 变圆为方。 2 [VP6A] cause one line or side to make a right angle with another: 使成直角; 使垂直: ~ timber, give it rectangular edges. 使木材边成直角。 3 [VP6A] make straight or level: 使直; 使平: ~ one's shoulders. 把肩膀放平; 挺胸。 4 [VP6A] multiply a number by itself; get the square1 (6) of a number: 自乘; 得出某数的平方: Three ~d is nine. 3 自乘得 9。x1 = x ~d. x 自' 乗得 x 平方。 5 [VP6A, 15B] ~ sth off. mark (off) in squares. 割分为方形。 6 [VP2C, 14, 15B] ~ (sth) (up) (with sb), settle, balance: 结算: ~ accounts with sb, settle one's debts; (fig) have one's revenge on him. 与某人结帐; (喻) 找某人算帐; 找某人报仇。 It's time I ~d up with you/time we ~d up, settled our accounts. 我该同你结帐了 (我们该结帐了) o ■ 7 [VP6A] bribe; get the (dishonest) co-operation of: 贿赂; 自…处获得非法合作: All the officials had to be ~d before they would do anything for. us. 所有的官吏须先行贿赂才能为我们作事。 He has been ~d to hold his tongue. 他已被收买而保持缄默。 8 [VP14, 3A] ~ (sth) with, make or be consistent: (使) 与…栢符; (使) 与…一致: You should ~ your practice with your principles. 你应该言行一致 (使你的行为符合你的主张) 。 h would be convenient if the facts ~d with the theory, but they do not. 如果事实与理论相符,那就好了,不过并非如此。 9 [VP2C] ~ up to sb. take up the attitude of a boxer (ready to begin fighting). 对某人摆起拳击手的姿势 (准备格斗); 对某人摩拳擦掌。




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