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单词 sprinkle
释义 sprinkle /'spngkl; 'spnijkl/ vt [VP6A, 14] ~ sth (on/with sth), direct, throw, a shower of (sth) on to (a surface): 撒 (某物) 于 (某物之表面); : ~ater on a dusty path; iB 水于多尘土的路上; ~ a dusty path with water; 以水 91 于多尘土的路上; ~ the floor with sand. 把沙撒在地板上。 sprinkler /'spnijkh (r); 'spnijklw/ n (esp) apparatus or device for sprinkling water (eg on to a lawn) or (permanently installed in buildings) for fighting fire. (尤指) 洒水器; 潅水车; ■水装置; (固定在建筑物上的) 消防装置。 sprinkling n small quantity or number here and there: (散布在各处的) 微量或少数: There was a sprinkling of hooligans in the crowd. 群众之中夹杂有少数的不良少年。




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