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单词 spring
释义 spring1 /spnrj; spnrj/ n 1 act of springing or jumping up. 魅; 跳画。 2 (place where there is) water coming up from the ground: 泉; 泉水; 有泉水处: 'hot; 温泉;-~; 矿泉; a re sort; 有温泉的胜地: (attrib) (形容用法) ~ wmer. 泉水。 3 device of twisted, bent or coiled metal or wire which tends to return to its shape or position when pulled or pushed or pressed: 发条; 弹簧; 板弹簧: the ~s of a motor-car; 汽车的板弹簧 (俗称钢板); the ~ of a watch. 表的发条。r ~-'balance n device that measures weight by the tension of a ~ ., 弹簧秤。'~-board n board to give a ~ing motion to sb jumping from it. 跳板;弹板。 '~gun n one that goes off when a trespasser comes against a wire which is attached to the trigger. 伏击枪 (扳机与一金属线相连,线被胡及即引发) 。 'mattress n one containing spiral ~s in a rigid frame. 弹簧床垫。~tide n (two words; 此处须分开写; ~ tide, ~ time at spring1) tide with the greatest rise or fall, occurring shortly after new and full moon in each month; c neap-tide at neap. 每个月新月及满月后的大潮; 子午潮。 4 [U] elastic quality: 弹性; 弹力: rubber bands that have lost their ~. 美去如隹的橡皮圈。 The old man's muscles have lost their ~. 这老人的肌肉已失去了弹性。 5 (often pl) cause or origin: (帝用复成) 起源; 本源; 原由; 动机:Me ~s of human conduct. 人类行为的动机。 ~less adj without ~ s (3): 无发条、弹簧 (板) 等的: a ~less cart. 无弹簧的马车。 ~y adj (-ier, -iest) (of movement or substances) elastic; that springs: (指动作或物质) 有弹性的; 有弹力的: yvalk with a youthful, ~y step. 以富有靑春活力、有弹性的脚步行走。




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