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单词 split
释义 split /split; split/ vt, M (pt, pp split; -tt-) 1 [VP6A, 14, 2A, C] ~ (into), break, cause to break, be broken, into two or more parts, esp from end to end along the line of natural division: 裂开; 劈开; 破裂(尤指沿自然纹理从一端至另一端裂开者): ~ Hng logs. 劈木。 Some kinds of wood ~ easily. 有些木头易劈兰。 Only a skilled workman can ~ slate into layers. 罹有巧匠才能把板岩劈成石片。 2 [VP2D, 22] ~ (open), break open by bursting 爆裂; 撑破; 绷裂每裂: His coat has ~ at the seams. 他的上衣绽线了。 3 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] ~ (up) (into), (cause to) break into parts; divide: (使)分裂; 分开: ~ the atom; 分裂原子; ~ (《 £)。 compound into its parts. 分裂某种化合物为诸元素。 The party ~ up into small groups. 该党分为若干小派系。 Let's ~, (mod colloq) leave (a party, etc). (现代俗语)咱们走吧 (离开一聚会等 )。 Let's ~ the cost of the meal, share it. 我们来分让餐费。 Joe and Jenny have ~ up, (of a couple) separated from each other. 乔和珍旎已离异了。 ~ the difference, (when making a bargain) compromise (on the price, cost, etc). (讲价钱时)(在价钱、价格等方面)让步; 妥协。 ~ ting headache, so severe that it feels that one's head may crack. 剧烈或严重头痛。 ~ hairs, make very fine distinctions (in an argument, etc). (在论辩等中)剖析毫发; 吹毛求疵。 Hence, 由此产生, 'hair-—ting adj ~ an infinitive, place an adverb between to and the infinitive, (as in 'to quickly read a book'). 分离一不定词(在 to 与动词之间加入一副词,如 to quickly read a book)。 ~level adj (of houses, housing) in which adjoining rooms are in a level midway between successive storeys of other parts. 错浦式的(指一房屋或一住处,其中各部接房间的地高错落不一)。 a ~mind/ personality, person who behaves sometimes with one set of actions, emotions, etc, and sometimes with another set; 有双重人格之人; 患人格分裂症者。 also。schizophrenia; Jekyll and Hyde. ~peas, dried peas ~ into halves. 豌豆瓣。 a ~ ring, one split along its length, as used for keeping keys on. 钥匙圈。 a ~second, a brief instant of time. 刹和; 顷刻。 ~ one's sides (with laughter), laugh with movements of the sides. 捧腹(大笑)。 Hence, 由此产生, 'side -ting adj 4 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (on sb), (sl) give away the secret of (usu an accomplice); give information about him (to his disadvantage). (俚)泄露(通常为同犯) 的秘密; 吿密; 吿发。 5 [VP2A] (US sl) leave (a Place). (美俚)离开(某地)。 n [C] 1 splitting; crack or tear made by splitting: 裂开; 劈开; 分裂; 分开: sew up a ~ in a seam. 把裂开而恁杨急来。 2 separation or division resulting from splitting: 分歧; 不和; 内乳: a ~访 the Labour Party. 劳工党之内 81。3 (colloq) half-bottle of soda water, etc. (U)半瓶衬水(等 R 4 the ~s, acrobat's feat of sinking to the floor by extending the legs laterally with the trunk upright: 两腿劈开坐落地上的技艺; 劈叉; 劈八字: do the ~s. 表演劈叉把式。




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