单词 | spirit |
释义 | spirit /'spirit; 'spirit/ n 1 [C, U] soul; immaterial, intellectual or moral part of man: 心灵; 精神 (指个人之心智,道德或其他超物质的层面): He was vexed in ~, inwardly. 他内心气恼。 I shall be with you in (the) ~, My thoughts will be with you even though I am not with you in the flesh. 我的心思将与你同在 (虽然我不和你在一起) 。 The ~ is willing but the flesh is weak, One is willing to do sth, but physically unable to do it. 心有余而力不足; 力不从心。 the Holy S~, the Third Person of the Trinity. 圣盛 (和天父,耶稣成三位一体) 。 2 the soul thought of as separate from the body; disembodied soul: 灵魂; 亡魂: the abode of ~s, where the ~s of the dead are; 灵魂安息处; believe in ~s; 相信灵魂; raise a ~. 招魂。 ' ~- rapper n person who claims to receive messages from the dead by means of raps on a table. 招魂巫师 (宣称可借敲桌子而通亡魂) 。 3 [C] sprite; elf; goblin. 幽灵; 妖精; 鬼怪。 4 [U] life and consciousness not associated with a body; supernatural being: (不与肉体结合的) 生命与意识; 神灵: God is pure ~. 上帝年纯灵。 5 [C] (always with an adj) person considered from the intellectual, moral or emotional point of view: (E与形容词连用) 人 (从智力、道德或情緖的观点而论); 具有某种特质的人: What a noble/ generous, etc ~ he is! 他是一位多么高贵 (慷慨等) 的人啊! He was one of the leading ~s of the Reform Movement. 他是革新运动领导人物之一。 moving ~,person who is the originator and sustainer of an idea, project, etc. 倡导者。 6 [U] quality of courage, vigour, liveliness: 勇气; 锐气; 元气; 生气: Put a little more ~ into your work. 工作要多卖点力。 You haven't the ~时 a mouse. 你的亩子还不如 7 (sing only) mental or moral attitude: (仅用单数) 心理或道德方面的态度; 气度: in a ~ of mischief. 以戏谑的态度。 Whether it was unwise or not depends upon the ~ in which it was done. 这事之是否不智,端视做此事所持的态度而定。 8 [U] real meaning or purpose underlying a law, etc (contrasted with the apparent meaning of the words, etc): 法律等的真谛; 本旨; 精神 (与文字的表面含义相对 ) -obey the ~, not the letter, of the law. 连从法律的真谛,非拘泥条文字句。 Have you followed out the ~ of his instructions? 你已贯彻执行他的指示的本意了吗? 9 (pl) state of mind (as being happy, hopeful, etc or the opposite): (U)心境; 心情 (如愉快、充满希望或痛苦、失望等): in high ~s, cheerful; 高兴的; in poor/ low ~s, out of ~s, depressed, unhappy. 不鸢兴的。 Have a glass of brandy to keep up your ~s. 喝一杯白兰地提提神。 10 。(sing only) influence or tendency that rouses or causes development: (仅用单数) 引起进展的影响或趋势: The yvind of change is blowing and we cannot resist the ~ of the times. 要求改变现状的风气正在流行,我们无法抗拒时代的潮流。 11 [U] industrial alcohol. 火酒; 酒精。 '~-lamp/-stove n one in which ~ is burned. 酒精灯 (闻) 。 '~-level n glass tube partly filled with water or alcohol, with a bubble of air which, when centred, shows that a surf ace is horizontal. 酒精水平器。 12 ( /) solution in alcohol: (复) 畐南溶液: ~ s of camphor/turpentine; 樟脑油 (松航油 j ; ~(s) of salt, hydrochloric acid. 曷氯成; 盐酸。 13 (usu pl) strong alcoholic drink (eg whisky, brandy, gin, rum): (通常用复数) 烈酒 (如威士忌、白兰地、杜松子酒与兰酒): a glass of ~s and water. 一杯和水的烈酒。 She drinks no ~ but vodka. 除伏特加酒外,她不饮其他烈酒。 vt [VP15B] ~ sb/sth away/off. take sb/sth rapidly, secretly or mysteriously: 迅速、秘密或神秘地带走 (案人或某物); 诱拐; 拐带: She has disappeared as completely as if she had been ~ed away to another planet. 她一直没有踪影,像是被人拐到另外一个星球上去 To ~ed /'spintid; 'spintid/ adj 1 full of ~ (6); lively; courageous: 有锐气的; 有生气的; 活检的; 勇敢的: a ~ed attack/defence/reply; 猛烈的攻击(英勇的防御; 有力的答复); a ~ed horse; 有生气的马; a ~ed conversation. 活泼的谈话。 2 (in compounds) (用于复合字中) having the kind of spirits(9) indicated: 有…心境的: thigh-/,low-/,poor-'ed, etc. 高兴的(沮丧的,不高兴的等)。 ~ 4esg adj without ~ (6); not having or showing energy or courage; depressed. 无精神的; 无生命力的; 没有勇气的; 委厅的。 |
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