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单词 speed
释义 speed /spi: d; spid/ n 1 [U] swiftness; rapidity of movement. 迅速; (行动)快店。 More haste, less ~ .(prov) Too much haste may result in delay. (谚)欲速则不达。 2 [C, U] rate of motion or moving: 患座; 速率: travelling at full/top ~; 以全(高)速行进; at a ~ of thirty miles an hour. 以盈小房三午英里的速度。 It's dangerous to corner at ~, to go round corners (in a vehicle) at a high ~. 高速转郁是危险的。 3 (sl) amphetamine used as a drug to produce euphoria. (俚)(使人产生舒适感的药物)安菲太明; 苯齐特林。 4 (compounds) (复合字) '~-boat n motor-boat designed for high ~s. 快艇。 '~-cop n (sl) police motor-cyclist who checks the ~ of motorists. (俚)取缔汽车超速的骑摩托车的警察; 验速警察。 '~indicator n = ~ ometer. cbelow. 参看下利之 ~ ometer。'■~-limit n ~ which must not be exceeded, eg in a built-up area. 速度上限。 ' ~ merchant, (sl) person who drives a car or motor-b 汰 e extremely fast. (俚)速度贩子(以极高速度驾驶汽车或机车者)。 '~waY n a track, for fast driving and racing, esp by motor-bikes. 高速道; (尤指)机车赛车道。 b (US) road for fast traffic; expressway. (美)高速公路。 vt, vi (pt, pp sped) 1 [VP2A, C] move along, go, quickly: 茂进; 急行: cars ~ing past the school. 快味经过鱼校的车辆。 He sped down the street. 他沿街急行。 2 [VP6A, 14] cause to move or go quickly: 使速症; 使急行: ~ an arrow from the bow. 拉弓蔚箭。 3 (archaic) give success to: (古)使成功: God ~ you, May God make you prosper. 祝你成功(愿上帝使你成功)。 4 [VP15B, 2C] (pt, pp ~ed) ~ (sth) up, increase the ~ (of): 增加…的速度或速率: They have ~ed up production/the train service. 他们业已加速生产(増加火车班次)。 He ~ed the engine up. 他加快引攀的速率。 The train soon ~、 d up. 火车不久就加速前进。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-up n ~ing up the rate of production, etc. 加快; 加速(生产等)。 ~ing n (of motorfsts) travelling at an illegal or dangerous (指驾车者)超速: fined £30 for ~ing. 因超速而罚款三十镑。 ~om-eter /spi: 'dDmita(r); spi'damatw/ n instrument showing the ~ of a motor-vehicle, etc. (汽车等的)计速表。→ the illus at motor. 参洛 motor 去插图。~ y adj (-ier, -iest) quick; coming, done, without delay: 快速的; 迅速来临或完成的: wish sb a ~y recovery from illness. 希望某人迅速康复。




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