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单词 special
释义 special /'spejl; 'spcjal/ adj 1 of a particular or certain sort; not common, usual or general; of or for a certain person, thing of purpose: 特别的; 特殊的; 専用的; 特设的: He did it for her as a -favour. 他为她做那件事以示特别待遇。 What are your ~ interests 你的特殊兴趣是什么? Newspapers send ~ correspondents to places where important events take place. 报馆派遣特派员至发生筮要事件的地方” On holidays the railways put on ~ trains, run extra trains for ~ purposes. 假日各线铁路増开加班火车。 — constable, man enrolled to help the ordinary police in time of need. 临时警察。 ~ delivery, delivery of mail (a letter, package, etc) by a ~ messenger instead of by the usual postal services. 快避; 快信。 ~ licence, licence which allows a marriage to take place at a time or place other than those legally authorized. 特别结毎许可证(准予在非规定的时间或地方举行婚证)。 2 exceptional in amount, degree, etc: 在数量、程度等上例外的; 格外的: Why should we give you ~ treatment? 我们为什么要给你特殊待遇呢? You've taken no ~ trouble with your work for us. 你为我们工作,并不特别资力。 ~ constable, ~ train, ~ edition of a newspaper, etc. 临时警察; 加班火车; (报纸等的)特刊。 ~ly / 小 li; 小 li/ adv particularly: 格另。的; 专门的: I came here ~ly on purpose) to see you. 我是特意来看你的。 ~ist / 小 list; -jalist/ n person who is an expert in a ~ branch of work or study, esp medicine: 专家(尤指医科): an 'eye ~ist; 电科专家; a ist in plastic surgery. 整形外科専家。




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