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单词 space
释义 space /speis; spes/ n 、 1 [U] that in which all objects exist and move: 空间; 太空: The universe exists in — 二 ― — ' suit, '■—-vehicle n of the kind needed for travel other planets interests many people today. 现在很多人对去太空其他行星旅行感到兴趣。 '~capsule, '—craft, '■helmet, '→rocket, '—ship, '~- beyond the earth's atmosphere. (太空旅行所需要的各种装备)太空绘; 太空船; 太空帽; 太空火箭; 太空船; 太空衣; 太空车。→ the illus at capsule, rocket. KU capsule, rocket 之插图。 ,'time n (also known as 'the fourth dimension') fusion of time and the three dimensions of ~, as a concept much used in modern physics and philosophy. 第四度空间(时间与三度空间的隔合,近代物理及哲学用到甚多的概念)。 2 [C, U] interval or distance between two or more objects: (二物或多物之间的)间隔; 距离: the ~s between printed words; 印刷文字间的间隔; separated by a ~ of ten feet; 隔以十呎距离; put as much ~ as possible between the lines; 壶量拉开各行间的距离; leave a blank ~ for sth to be added. 留出空白以便添加某物。 '~bar n bar in a typewriter, tapped to make ~s between words. (打字机上的) 空间棒 (按之即可在字间留出空格) 。 3 [C, U] area or volume; 面积; 体积: open ~s, (esp) land, in or near a town, not built on. 空瞳卢; (尤指市内或市郊的)空地。 Clear a ~ pn the platform for the speakers. 给演说的人们左台上腾出一块地方。 '~-heater n heating apparatus (electric, or oil-burning) designed to warm a room by radiation or convection. 空间加热器(用电力或燃油,借辐射或对流作用,使房间温暖)。 4 [U] limited or unoccupied place or area; room(3): 有限的或未占用的地方或区域; 空位; 空处; 余地: There isn't enough ~ in this classroom for thirty desks. 这敎室容纳不下三十张书桌。 Have you enough ~ to work 加?你看够布做事南空间 11 马? 5 (sing only) period of time: (仅用单数)一段时间,时期: ~ of three years. 三年的时间。 V/ [VP6A, 15B] ~ sth (out), set out with regular ~s between: (依一定的距离)分隔某物; 隔开: ~ out the posts three feet apart; 按三与的间隔栽放柱子; ~ out the type more; 字间多留些空白; (打字或铅印)字母与字母间隔开一点; ~ (= spread) out payments (eg for a house) over twenty years; 二十年务期付款(如购屋); a well- ~d family, one in which children are born at planned intervals of time. 计划生育的家庭(子女生育相隔的时间依照计划者)。 ~ed 'out adj (US sl) drugged; drunk. (美俚)服过麻醉药的; 服过迷幻药的; 喝醉了的。 .single-/ ouble-'spacing n [U] the arrangement of typed material with single/double ~s between the lines. (打宇时行与行间的) 单行 (双行) 空距。




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