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单词 some
释义 some1 /SAm; SAm; weak form sam; sam, used only in the adjectival sense of 'consisting of an undefined amount or number of 只用于作形容词,表示某一不确定的数量/ adj 1 (used in affirm sentences; usually replaced by any in interr and neg sentences, in conditional clauses, and in sentences where doubt or negation is implied. S ~ and any are used with material n to indicate an amount or quantity that is either unknown or not given, with abstract n to indicate a certain degree, and with pl common n to indicate a certain number (three or more). S~ and any are pl equivalents of the numeral article a/an (ca1), of numeral one, and the indef pron 'one'): (ffl 于肯定句中; 住问句与否定句中,条件子句中,及含示怀疑或否定的句中,通常用 any 代替。 Some 及 any 与物质名词连用时,我示未知或未指明的总额或分量,与抽象名词连用时,表示某种程度,与复数普通名词连用时,表示某一数目(三个或:个以上)。 Some 及 any 系数字冠词 a/an, 数字 one, 以及不定代名词 one 的复数用语): Please give me ~ milk. 请给我一些牛奶。 Cf 参较 Have you any sugar? 你有没有糖? We haven't any tea. 我们没有茶了。 There are ~ children outside. 外面有几个 j 、攻。 Cf 参较 There is a child outside. 外面着一商小衮。 They haven't any children. 他们没有, j 、 孩。 Are there any stamps in that drawer? 那个宿屉福有邮票吗? I wonder whether Mr Black has any flowers in his garden. 我不知道布来克先生的花园里有没有种花。 I doubt whether there are any flowers in Mr Green's garden. 我怀疑格林先生的花园里有没有花。 I don't like a garden without any flowers in it. 我不喜欢没有花的花园。 There are scarcely/hardly any flowers in this garden. 这个花园里很少(简直没有) 花。 S~s ~ people) say that.... 有些人说…。 2 (S~ is used in sentences that are interr in form if the speaker expects, or wishes to suggest, an affirm answer): (如窠问话者期待或希望对方作肯定答复时,some 亦用于问句中): Aren't there ~ stamps in that drawer? 那抽屉里不是有几张邮票吗? Cf 参较 There are ~ stamps in that drawer, aren't there? 那抽履里有几张邮票,不是吗? Didn't he give you ~ money? 他不是给了你一些钱吗? Cf 参较 He gave you ~ money, didn't he? 而给了你一些钱,不是畴? (S~ is used in sentences that are interr in form if these sentences are really invitations or requests: 如果问句实际上表示邀请或请求时,some 亦用于问句中: Will you have ~ cake? 请用一点糕饼好吗? Cf 参较 Please have ~ cake. 请用一点糕饼。 Will you please buy me ~ stamps when you go out? 你出去的时候请替我买几张邮票好不好? Cf 参较 Please buy me ~ stamps. 请替我买几张邮票)。 3 (After if, introducing a supposition, either some or any may be used): (在 If 引导的假设子句之后,some 及 any 皆可用): If we had ~ /any money, we could buy it. 如果我们有钱,我们就能买(它)了。 If we find ~ /any, we'll share them with you. 如果我们找得到一些,我们会分给你。 4 (S~ and any are used with more) : (Some与 any 云与 more 强用): Give me ~ more /sa 'msr(r); sa'mor/. 再给我一些。 Do you want any more? 标还要(一些涌? I haven't any more. 我再液有了。 Won't you have ~ more? 你不再要一些吗 ?( 不再来一点吗?) 5 (S~ (always 总是读作 /saiu; SAm/) is often contrasted with the rest, other(s), and all): (Some 常与 the rest, other(s) 及 all 南对): S ~ children learn languages easily (and others with difficulty). 有些小孩学习语言很容易(不过有些则很困难)。 All work is not dull; ~ work is pleasant. 工作不全是枯燥的; 有些工作满有趣的。 6 (S~ (always 总是读作 /saih; SAm/) is used before sing common n to indicate that the person, place, object, etc is unknown, or when the speaker does not wish lo be specific. The words or other are often added): (Some用于单数普通名词前,表示该人、地、物等不详或不欲指明。作此用时,后常接 or other 两字): He's living at ~ place in East Africa. 他(目前) 住在东非某地。 I've read that story before in ~ book or other. 我在一本书中读过那个故事。 S~ man at the door is asking to see you. 门口有一个人要见你。 7 (S~ (always stressed) is used with n meaning a considerable quantity or number of): (Some可与名词连用表示'相当大的数量',唯须重读): I shall be awav for 'time, a fairly long time. 我将离开相当长 j 一段时间。 Mr Green spoke at ~ 1= considerable) length. 格林先生滔滔不绝地说了好一阵子。 J“e went ~ (=several) miles out of our way. 萩们叉出正路好就哩。 The railway station is at ~ distance (= quite a long way) from the village. 火车站离村子相当远。 8 (S~ (always stressed) is also used with n meaning to a certain extent or degree'): (Some亦可与名词连用,表示'到达某种范围或程度',须重读): That is ~ help (ie It helps to a certain extent) towards understanding the problem. 那对于了解该问题确有一些帮助。 adv (S~ (always 总是读作 /; saui/) is used adverbially, meaning about or approximately, before numbers): (Some可作副词用,作'大约或相近' 解,用在数字之前): That was ~ twenty years ago. 那大约是二十年前的事。 There were ~ fifteen people there. 那里大约有十五个人。 ~ few, → few(3).




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