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单词 brick
brick/brɪk/ n & vt

n (1) 砖((hard piece of)baked or dried clay used for building)[CU]:a pile of~s一垛砖;a house built/made of~(s) 砖砌的房子;a red/yellow~wall 红/黄砖墙;The house is~.这房子是砖的。a~oven砖砌的烤炉;

(2) 砖状物(尤冰激凌砖)(sth in the shape of a brick esp a block of ice-cream)[C]:Ice-cream is often sold in~s.冰激凌常常成块出售。a~of ice-cream/cheese (an ice-cream/cheese~) 一块冰激凌/干酪;

(3) 积木(small toy building block (usu wooden or plastic))[C](=AmE block):The child built a castle with her~s. 这小孩子用积木搭了一座城堡。

(4) 慷慨可靠的人(generous or loyal person (esp a man))[C](BrE](infml):He is a real~.他真是个靠得住的人。

→′brickfield (AmE ′brickyard) n 制砖场;′bricklayer n 瓦匠;′bricklaying n 砌砖工作(技艺); ′brickwork n 砖砌建筑物;砌砖(工作);′brickworks n 砖窑(厂);′brickyard n 砖窑(厂); ′brickbat n (投掷之)砖块;粗鲁或贬义的话;

vt 用砖堵(围,封)住 (fill in block or close(an opening) with bricks)[T+n+adv (up/in)]:~up a window/a doorway/a fireplace/a well用砖堵住窗户/门道/壁炉/井;~up a person's body用砖围挡住一个人的尸体;He was~ed up alive and died a terrible death.他被活活用砖砌在里面,死得很惨。





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